Chapter Two

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"Come on now, you and I both know Casadova and Faliopor haven't exactly been on friendly terms lately, and taking control of it would have major advantages and benefits for you."  The Crusader leaned back and crossed her legs,waiting for the man before her to respond.

Frowning, he replies
"Yes,I do agree Faliopor has been quite troublesome recently... But I do not believe that warrants an invasion." Sighing, Skaia crosses her arms. Seeing that the old man would not so easily go along with her plan, she resorted to plan B.

"What if I said that you allying with me would present an attack from a certain Besinestan kingdom?" She smirked as his face shifted from mildly irritated to horror.

"Y-you wouldn't-" the man was cut off by a chuckle from the Brunette woman. She leaned forward, resting her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand.

"Oh wouldn't I?" A sickening grin spreads on her face and her eyes turn from their normal hazel green color to a sickening yellow.

"I think we both know, that's simply not true~" she purred. The man scoffed and glared at Skaia.

"You're a monster." She laughs again at the old mans statement.
She stands up and walks over to him standing so close he can feel her breath on his face.
"Well...I must go now, but I do hope you will consider my offer." ------------------------------------------------------
Bruh. Why am I so bad at this? I dunno, but thanks for reading this! Bye friendos!


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