Chapter 10 - Where Are You Brother

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MIKAN- aki when is momy and daddy coming

AKITO- later ,they just went to buy you some food

3hour later

MIKAN- aki when is mom and daddy coming I am hungry

AKITO- just wait they are coming

4hour later

VOICE MAIL- Akito please come to the hospital close to us and take mikan with her friend please akito is a favor for mommy.

AKITO- mikan!(crying)

MIKAN- aki why are you crying and where is mommy and daddy

AKITO- mikan do you have friends

MIKAN- yes aki but why

AKITO- I am taking you with your friends
Is that I need to go somewhere else and mom call me to you go play with your friends

MIKAN- okay aki

AKITO- let's go


MIKAN- here is my friends house

AKITO- what is the apartment number

MIKAN- 5 you can where you need to go, I can go by myself

AKITO- mikan are you sure

MIKAN- yes I am sure

AKITO- OKAY BYE! (started to cry but mikan didn't notice it


AKITO- umm.....can you help me find my parents room

LADY- what their name

AKITO- akira sakura and akito sakura

LADY- okay come here

AKITO okay


LADY- here the room

AKITO- thank you


AKITO- mom,dad are you here

MOM- akito come here

AKITO- why are 2 here

DAD- akito can you promise that you take care of mikan

AKITO- but your going to be here

MOM- akito please proomise that

AKITO - okay but tell me why are you in here

MOM- dont worry about it just the promise

DAD- akito I got something to tell you and its about mikan

AKITO- what is it

DAD- mikan has an alice and if some people come and take mikan away you,you wont able to get her back,so please put mikan as akira so they wont figure her out please

AKITO-okay dad,I promise



MIKAN- aki where are you I am lost


AKITO- ugh its morning

LADY- kid can you please go I have patients coming to this room

AKITO- but my mom a-(cut of by not seeing his parents)


LADY- oh sorry but they died yesterday night,I am sorry but can you please leave

AKITO- okay (crying)

GUY- ah are you the son of the people who where here

AKITO- yes

GUY- okay here ,your mom and dad gave you a present for you and your sister

AKITO- thank you doctor

GUY- I am sorry ,but do you have somewhere to live

AKITO- yes,with my aunt,she lives close from here

GUY- okay do you want food

AKITO- no thanks

GUY- okay bye

AKITO- bye


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