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Kelly was pretty sure she had broken some sort of record when she landed herself in detention not two hours after her first day in a new school. It was not done on purpose obviously. It wasn’t her fault that the old hag that teaches chemistry was wearing white dress pants. And it obviously wasn’t her fault when she decided to trip over Kelly’s pink slushie that she placed on the floor because there was no more space on the table.

If the chemistry teacher wanted someone to blame, she could only blame herself for asking the students to set so many equipment on the table. But no, she had to blame Kelly. Kelly didn’t find it fair. She landed in detention AND lost her slushie that she bought for $2.50 in the cafeteria. At least $1.00 worth of it is now all over the old hag’s white shirt and pants.

Now that school hours are over, Kelly had to stay overtime in the library. She was a bit lost on the way and arrived fifteen minutes later than she should. When she entered the library, she saw a group of students who also looked like they belong in detention, huddled in one table at the corner. She went to the front desk and saw another old hag. She was in oversized brown-framed glasses that make her eyes looks beadier than it already is. When Kelly came closer, she notices her bony cheeks and chin and heavy makeup, complete with heavy awkward blush and thin red lips. Kelly almost chuckle to herself when she imagined the woman sucking blood.

“Excuse me,” she said carefully. The woman looked up and the name plate on her left pocket read ‘Joan Fisher’.

“You are fifteen minutes late, Miss…” she consulted a list, “Kelly Schneider. Now you have to stay fifteen minutes later.”

“Sorry, it’s my first day and I got lost,” she tried to explain.

“Detention on your first day? Then I should expect to see you around in the future,” she hissed. Kelly shrugged and handed her the detention slip before slinking away to an empty table away from the group of other students in detention.

Kelly sat down and did not know what to do. She was beyond bored and it wasn’t even five minutes yet. She still has another two hours and fifty-five minutes left in her detention time. She did not want to read, that was for nerds. So is doing homework or revise for lessons. Kelly hid her face in her arms and decided to nap, that was when she heard Mrs. Fisher’s voice. She could be mistaken, but it sounded like she was whining to somebody, like a little teenage girl to her crush.

“The Schneider girl is finally here, but she has to stay later because she was late. Can you please please please wait the extra fifteen minutes instead? I have to go home, think of my cats, all lonely and unfed,” the sound of it was so disturbing that Kelly had to look around to see who she was talking to.

She instantly feels herself staring and drooling at the attractive dude standing by the front desk.

He was tall and well-built and had a mop messy dark hair. A little tanned but handsome none the less and wearing casual black reading glasses. Kelly never saw anyone with so much character and charisma. The only thing that helps her pulls her gaze away from his perfect healthy body was Mrs. Fisher’s puppy look that makes Kelly wants to slap her so bad.

“Don’t worry I will, Miss Joan,” he says sweetly and Kelly wants to melt at his chocolate voice and his angelic smile. When he turned around, his warm brown eyes caught hers for a fraction of a second and Kelly swore it was an eternity before he fully turned away. Kelly feels a warm sensation creeping into her cheeks and she quickly looked away and buried her face into her arms once more.

Nothing ever feels longer to Kelly than those three hours in detention. Every so often, the urge to turn her head around and just shamelessly stare at the hot dude reading a thick book behind the front desk, close to where Mrs. Fisher was sitting was so strong she would have if it wasn’t for the fact that she had to glance at the old hag before she could see him.

She was a tad grateful for Mrs. Fisher for that. Just a tad. Kelly still didn’t like the woman and the way she was staring at the dude.

Kelly wondered if he was a student or a teacher or someone else. He could pass off as both. Maybe if Kelly had a closer look then she will be able to tell.

Six o’clock finally arrived and Mrs. Fisher asked the other students to go on home, sending Kelly a glare saying that she was still going to stay. She gave a little wave and a sickening smile to the dude behind the front desk who politely smiled back at her. Then she left and the library was too quiet and too big just for the two of them.

Kelly wished 6.15 would arrive quicker, but she also wished that the time would stop. All she can hear was the frequent flipping of pages from the book the hot dude was reading. The silence stretched on, but Kelly hardly dared to breathe, let alone say something to him.

Finally, 6.15 arrived and the dude closed his book, getting up and unhooking the key ring off its silver hook. Kelly quickly got up and swings her bag on her back and rushed out of the door without even waiting for the dude to finish packing or lock up the library doors or anything.

Being in the cold evening air, she decided it wasn’t so bad to land herself in detention on the first day here, at this school.

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