The secret agency of Mount Rose book 1:

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The pearl of Cthulu and Winters diamond

Chapter 1: The story begins

(Before you read my story I want to say this is my first story, okay back to the story)
Yoshi's POV

Today started like every other day In my life. I woke up in my old broken "house" in my nest I made out of needles, broken boards, and ripped candy wrappers. "Ugh, Valentino, Muntezuma! I'm up!" I yelled. Valentine, by the way is a pug, I found him in a abandoned farm. Muntezuma, who is a Chihuahua, I found in a evil cat food factory... but that's another story.

Anyway, right when a called their names, they came in like a whirlwind of cuteness and death. Valentino came jumping from broken wall to broken wall with his pink heart-shaped nose. Montezuma came running down the stairs with a patch of white fur on his chest. "BARK,BARK,BARK" they barked as they tackled me with their lickes and cuteness."Time to start another day of school, huzzah" I said getting my ripped yoshi backpack from under a pile of rumble which was covered in rips and holes. Your probably wondering how I can afford school if I can't afford a house, well the principal was nice enough to let me go for free.

I left my house and went walking to school to start another boring day of life. I passed Mcdonalds, KFC, and many other places. When I got there the bell rang, so I had to run inside, dodging kids and teachers. I got to class panting and out of breath while everyone else was staring at me. I cleared my throat "uh, hi, I um..." I walked toward my desk incredibly embarrassed. "As I was saying, you guys have a substitute while I'm away at my training, her name is Mrs. D." Said Mr.Domene, our teacher. "I want you guys to behave like sixth graders while I'm gone, okay?" He said.

Right when he left a teacher thin as bone came walking in. "Alright, I want every single one of you to behave while I'm reading my book, Mr.Domene wants you to read as well." She said. We all sighed and started reading.

Chapter 2: The Demon sisters

    "Psst" whispered Keona, "What do you think we're going to do today?"."You!!!" Shouted Mrs.D at Keona, "Detention!". Keona lifted his hands in that what the heck jesture, you now? When somebody or something does something completely unfair like when your at the top of a video game league and your in 1st place then two hours later your at the bottom? No matter how much you call hacks that or those hackers won't stop. The teacher eyed the whole class, stopping to eye some students curiously. Alex, my friend since 2nd grade, came to school with a jacket, putting up his hood to cover his face. Then the teacher saw me, she eyed me for minutes. I coughed awkwardly and rubbed my scar. I had since I was a little kid, all I remember is flashing lights and screams and a dark figure slashing something and then everything went dark. I shook my head, I don't remember the memory that well but it still gives me nightmares.

    The teacher tore away her gaze from me and returned to the desk. She pulled out a cellphone and called someone she muttered something into the cellphone and closed it. She handed every one a work sheet. Before you start a worksheet you look to if theres a back, it's just common sense. I checked there wasn't a back good I thought, then started the worksheet. After everyone was done she collected all the worksheets. She glared at most of the class "You hooligans," she said, (do people still say hooligan?) "Didn't do the back side!!!". "What!?!? There was no back side!?!?!" I exclaimed. Some of my friends agreed to what I said. "Detention!!!" She yelled "for all of you!!!" She pointed to everyone who didn't do the back side. "Any questions about the worksheet?" She said. Jayden raised his hand, "Why do people say back side if it's the back not the side?" He asked "Detention for you as well!" She said, Jayden pouted.

   We came back after school. It was quiet, Keona, Alex, Bella, Angel, Savannah, Shylee, Cameryn, Victoria, and Jayden we're there to. Mrs.D closed the door behind us. We sat down doing the back side of the worksheet while Jayden read. Mrs.D put a chair in front of us and sat down. "Now no one can hear you scream" she said, "The worksheet isn't that hard" I said. She picked up Alex and started shaking with surprising strength "WHERE IS IT!?!?!?!?!" She said in a inhuman like scream. "I don't know what your talking about!!!" He replied, "Don't play dumb with me!" She said "Its here somewhere!".  I was freaked out, Mrs.D was starting to grow sharp claws and teeth, "What the heck is going on?!?!?" I said.

   She looked at me with red eyes, she threw Alex across the room. "I forgot, your not part of it" she said in a mocking tone "What are you talking about?!?" I said. "Don't tell me..." She said, she turned towards Alex and the rest "You didn't tell the last yoshi?!?" She said, Alex gave her an evil stare. She started somking, she started to grow, ten seconds later she was 7 feet tall now and had, I think I'm hallucinating, 4 crab legs and 3 fingered hands that were webbed. Yup, I'm definitely hallucinating, Alex put down his hood to reveal his face covered in scratches and scars. He grabbed a sword from his backpack, I think I need a doctor, it's not normal to see your friend grab swords from their backpack. He ran towards Mrs.D. He swung it and she swung her claws and ripped his sleeve. "Yoshi!" Yelled Keona "ever used a sword before?" "What kind of question is that!" I said.

   He threw me a sword, it wasn't the sharpest but it was okay. "So, I have to kill our substitute" I said "pretty much" Keona said. I ran straight toward Mrs.D she stopped what she was doing and went straight for me. She was five feet away from me, then Angel threw a freaking boomerang that had a spike on each end, It landed in her side and exploded, throwing her across the room, breaking the wall as well. Unfortunately, the explosion made my sword go threw the window and onto the pavement.

    I looked at Mrs.D, she was just knocked out, I returned my eyes to my friends. Angel had a cloak that holes and rips in it, and had a belt of the same boomerang he used on Mrs.D. He also was holding a machete. Keona was holding a dagger and had a bow and arrow strap to his back. He had a belt of arrows labeled like Exploding arrow, Rainbow Explosion arrow, Breakfast Explosion arrow, and many others. Shylee looked like she was going to a wizard convention, she had a dark purple cloak and a staff. Cameryn was wearing a purple t-shirt that said The Clean Up Crew, she had a gun that kinda looked like a hairdryer which had a label that said Plasma gun, made in A.O.M.R. Victoria had the same t-shirt as Cameryn but hers was pink , she had a weird looking bracelet with a button on it. Savannah was wearing the same t-shirt as Cameryn and Victoria but hers was a dark blue color. She had a dagger in her hand and a belt of weird circle things that I think are grenades. Bella had a sword and a shield, the shield had a spike in the middle. Alex had a katana with a belt of shurikens.

    My mind was blown away, literary. Something broke down the door with an explanation. A creature that looked like Mrs.D but more plump. Her face looked like a frogs mixed with a shark. She was holding a tray of sushi. " How's it going sister........." She gazed at the mess. Instantly she clawed at us, swiping and growling. She had a frog-like tongue, kinda like mine. Then Keona shot a. Rainbow Explosion arrow at her. It exploded with rainbows and skittles going everywhere. I was blasted toward the wall, hitting my head really hard and landing on my friends were surrounding me....and I passed out.



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