The secret agency of Mount Rose book 1:

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The pearl of Cthulu and Winters diamond
Chapter 4: My past

Yoshis POV

I woke up in a dark room. "Hello?" I asked, no one replied. I was sitting in a chair. I tried to get up but my hands were tied to the chair and so were my legs. Then I heard footsteps, and slow breathing. "Whose there!?!?" I asked. "Me" said a voice ."who are you?" I asked, "I'm me" it said "Okay, I'm trying not to get mad but who are you?!?!?" I replied. "I'm me, myself, and I" it said "WHO ARE YOUUUUUU, PLEASE TELL ME OR I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL!!!!!" I yelled " Okay, okay, jeez, savage" said the voice " I'm your enemy, your nightmare, your fear, the one that took everything from you..." Then a dark shape walked toward me.

It was the figure I saw in my nightmares, the one that gave the scar over my eyes (And this is starting to sound like Harry potter) Then I remembered more about my nightmare. There was screaming and explosions in the backround and I was a baby being carried by someone, there was a bracelet on my wrist that was way to big for me. This was about the time I woke up but the nightmare kept going. I felt the fresh blood going down my face from the scar. There were these portal like things all over the place. I looked around and realized that it was an aircraft or something. How did I not notice that before? There was booming but they sounded more like footsteps then explosions. "YOU GET BACK HERE!!!!!!" Said a voice that sounded familiar. The person carrying me didn't stop. Wait a minute, the hands that were carrying me were hot pink. Who has hot pink hands? We were running straight to a portal. "Go, go, hurry up!" Said a male voice that also sounded familiar. "I'm going!" Said a female that also sounded familiar. Then my whole body was turned around and I was facing, my jaw dropped to the floor, another YOSHI. Her eyes (I could tell it was a she because the female voice came from her) were blue and she smelled like apples. She was crying, then somebody else came. It was another yoshi. This one was orange and with blue eyes as well, he also had glasses. He smelled like oranges. "Keep going!" He said. "We can't all make it" she said. He stared at me, his eyes started tearing up. "We have to try, honey" he said. Wait, HONEY!?!?!?!?!? Then that means that there married. Then I'm their son. "He won't leave him alone as long as he lives" said My mom. "We can't go with him" she countinued "We have to try" Said my dad who was now crying. Then out of nowhere the hooded figure leaped right behind my parents. "Where do you think your going?" Said the dark figure. His face was covered in darkness. And I mean actual darkness. It swirled around him and so did many other colors like red,green,blue, etc.. He grabbed my parents. "Give me your son and you'll suffer less" said the hooded figure.My dad tried to kick him but he couldn't reach his face."I repeat, GIVE ME YOUR SON AND YOU'LL SUFFER LESS!!!" He said. My mom looked at me, so did my dad. They were both crying. "I love you" my mom said. She tossed me into the portal. The dark figure roared in outrage. Turned into a dark shadow ball then exploded with my parents.

I went back to reality. I was crying. "Did you enjoy it?" Said the voice. "You took away my parents, you took away my home, now I'm going to take away your life." I said. "Now,now, let's not get fisical because I can kill you instantly but I can't kill because this is a dream, also you have a long journey before you face me, and when you do, I'll be ready." Said the voice. "What did you do to my parents!?!?!?!?" I asked. "Your about to wake up and when you do, watch your head." Said the voice, ignoring my question.

Chapter 5: He legally blind

I woke up, then hit my forehead on a lamp. I muttered a curse. "Yea, watch your head" said Angel, who was on a chair in front of me. "Where are we?" I asked rubbing my forehead. "At 7 11, getting supplies" he said, fiddling with one of his boomerangs. I was in a tall bed with a low lamp over it. The room we were in looked like a storage room. "Everyones getting ready for the road trip." He said. "What road trip?" I asked. "We have to get to an airport in California to get to New York. Long story." He said. "Why can't go to a Reno airport due to the fact that we live in Reno but we have to drive two hours to get to a California airport?" I asked, confused. "Follow me" he said, gesturing toward a door. We opened the door to find my friends stocking up on skittles, microwave burritos, and many other things. I walked to the automatic doors to find them buried in snow. "When you were knocked out this freak storm happened. Power went out and flights were cancelled. We had to use the 7 11 emergency door which is over there." Angel gestured to a door that said HIGH VOLTAGE DO NOT ENTER . After about an hour getting supplies we put it in a huge bag. Then they went off toward the 7 11 emergency tunnel. "Yoshi, come on!" Said Bella. "Heck no, what ever you guys are doing I ain't doing nothing!" I turned to walk towards the doors. "Yoshi, did you have a nightmare?" Angel asked, "uh, no,I didn't.... why, no, I ..." I had trouble forming words. "Because you were muttering in your sleep" Angel said turning the doorknob. The door didn't move. He turned it harder but nothing happened. "Did you ask Skittles?" Said Victoria. "Oh yeah, no" he turned toward the slushie machine. He slid a tile on the wall and there was a button. He pressed it. The the slushie flavors started glowing and the screens started flashing. He pressed them really fast. The machine rumbled and opened a gap in the middle. The gap got bigger and bigger. There slept a dragon. The Dragon was bright red with a unicorn horn and Pegasus wings. Everytime it breathed, glowing rainbow smoke came out of its nose. "Um, what's that?!?" I asked. "It's an Alidragon, part Dragon, part Alicorn, and he's name is Skittles." Said Savannah. Skittles woke up when he heard his name. He blinked a couple of times, the stretched and the looked me in the eyes with a hungry stare. Alex grabbed a badge from his pocket and showed it to the Alidragon. He nodded his head, then stared at me with evil eyes. He growled at me and rainbow smoke was coming out of his mouth. "He's with me." Alex said. Skittles looked like he was about to freaking kill me with despair and rainbows. Skittles moved to let us go through, eyeing me and my every move.

They all went into the tunnel except me and Angel. He walked toward me, "Dude, I know you had a nightmare." He said. "Fine, I did." I told him. I told him the entire nightmare. When I finished talking he said, "wow" which didn't really help. "I need to know who this man is, I need to save my family." I said. Surprisingly, Angel nodded and said, "We know who this man is, he from the virtual reality world". "The virtual what?" I asked. "Virtual reality world, it's the world that has all the characters from video games" he said. "Seems legit" I said. "Yea, there's a bunch of dimensions here in this universe, but the only problem is that monsters from the dimensions my jump into our world" he said. "The thing that took your parents was brought into this world by Jayden, he wants this world destroyed, in the prophecy it says that one from Yoshi island green and small will bring an end to the thing and jayden." Angel said. "Oh" I said "But I'm 5 foot something"."If you come with us, we can save your family" he said, "fine" I said. "And when it says green and small it probably means how small you are compared to the problems that the agency deals with like, keeping the monsters at bay, Killing dragons, Donald trump.".  We started walking toward the door until Alex came running back. "We got a problem". We ran forward, and right in front of us, there was solid wall of ice. "Well.........damn" Said Keona

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