Day 1

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Hi Daddy,

I told Mommy I was really sad because I could never talk to you so she gave me a journal. She said I should write in it and that you'd be able to read it and it would be as if you were listening. I don't know how that works but I'll give it a try.

Today at school we talked about you and Mags. I already knew everything of course because Mommy's told me all about you. My teacher seemed happy that I knew everything and my friend said it wasn't fair because you were my Dad. I told him he should shut up because at least his dad was alive so we're not really friends right now. My teacher told me that she was your second grade teacher many years ago too. How come she got to know you but I didn't?

I know it's not your fault you're not here, Mommy tells me that all the time. There's a statue of you in the plaza, by the beach. Mommy says you would have loved it but that it would have given you an even bigger ego. What's an ego? I think it's a good thing because she was smiling.

I have to go now because Mommy and I are going to the beach. She's teaching me how to swim and she says I'm really good at it, just like you.

I love you.

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