Coherent Thoughts

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I sighed as I stared at the walls of my room, my cell. The effects of their recent drug finally wearing off of me. It felt like I didn't have a single coherent thought for days, as if I was slowly going insane inside of this hell hole. Now that I have a hold on my mind once again, I can remember who I am. What I am. Why I am here.

I'm guessing that right now, you are confused. Flabbergasted, your mind a cacaphony of questions waiting to sound. I'll try and answer them right now.

My name, is Alice. I am fifteen years old, with white blonde hair, and icy blue eyes. My skin is very pale, and I have vaguely heard the scientists mention something about a slight achromasia in me. So I believe we have gotten through the "Who's", so let us get into the where's.

I don't know where I am from, or where I have come from. Sometimes, I don't really care. What I do know is that I killed my mother during childbirth; killed my father, then various nurses. When the doctors checked why everyone who touched me died, they found poison in my blood. In my skin. In my hair. I was like a venomous snake.

So that is why I am here. "Here" is the rehabilitation center that I am in. For children and teens that need to "heal". At least, that is what they tell the parents that come to give their children away. In truth, this is like a giant lab. They test and prod us. Taking our blood and seeing if they can harness it for themselves, or pass it down as if it was a generation type of thing. They have many people here. All classified into something.

The elementals. Those who control the elements like fire, water, lightning, air. The brains, those who are able to read minds and move things with their thoughts. The techs, those who are brilliantly smarter than everyone else, and can sometimes see the future. The illusions, the ones that can bend the fabric of reality and are able to teleport and create shields. Then, there is me. I fall into no catagory, for they have never had someone such as me. No one was ever born as a giant vessel of poison. I intrigue them, as if I was their greatest creation.

Yet I am alone, and treated like a monster. They wear masks around me, and cover every inch of their bodies. They fear me, unable to control the "power" I posses. Yet even though they go through so many measures to protect themselves, they still let me around the others, but the others don't touch me. They don't talk to me, nor do they care to even look at me. Until I met him.


In my drugged haze, I vaguely remember feeling his hand against mine. Even then I felt the thrill of breaking the rules. The thrill of feeling human touch, and not some rubber and cloth. I was punished for it, I remember that too. I was placed in the Dark Room. It was nothing special really. Just a room with no light or sound. They usually put you in for about three days, and in those three days you lose yourself, but I was already lost when I went in.

I turned onto my back and raised Silence above me, her sewn from boring into my own. I didn't like the "rehab" that the scientists had. I did not like Him. The man that ruled us. I didn't fear him, and that made him like me. In a way, I was his "favorite". It disgusted me, as it disgusted everyone.

As I lowered Silence onto my chest, I heard the door to my room open. I pressed the tip of my head into the pillow, craning my neck to see who opened the door. A nurse appeared, her hands gloved and a mask firmly in place. She motioned for my to stand and I obeyed, rolling my body of the bed, my arms and legs rolling painfully over the small bars placed at the sides.

As my feet hit the floor, I stood up, stretching my back. I grabbed Silence by the ears and shuffled to the nurse, passing her and waiting in the hallway as she closed my door and locked it. "This way." she muttered, turning right and walking down the long hallway. I shuffled quickly behind her, my feet sliding across the waxed flooring. I kept my eyes firmly on the floor, watching the nurses feet and my own. It wasn't like I was missing anything anyway, my room was the only room in this whole section.

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