Oh boy, kidnap.

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His heart was pounding hard in his chest as Sollux sprinted for his life, getting out of breath quite easily but not even caring; his adrenaline kept him going. To his relief, the rumour that vampires were extremely fast was just a mere rumour, unless Eridan was purposely going slow. This could also mean that Eridan actually wasn't a vampire after all. Still, he wasn't one to tempt fate. Eventually, he felt that he absolutely could not go on running or he would collapse. If Eridan even WAS a genuine monster, he would end him right there in a brutal death. Sollux did the worst possible thing and turned around a corner to a dead end. He mentally slapped himself for this, and even almost laughed at how cliche this was.

He wasn't one to give up as he wasn't cowardly, but he was just extremely tired out and a little dizzy too. He just held out onto hope that he would survive this and would end up with, at the most, just a broken limb perhaps. He dragged himself to the end wall and slumped against it, trying to get back some breath so that he could fight back even a little bit. Sollux stared straight at the wall, as he saw in his peripheral vision that Eridan was making his way towards him.

The vampire grabbed him by the collar and looked him straight in the eye, his voice having a darker edge to it. "You know, I could end you right here. I could rip you to bloody shreds." As he glowered at the helpless human, Sollux blurted out, "Then go ahead! I'm not going anywhere, am I?" He gritted his teeth and spat in his face, which was basically the most Sollux could do at this moment in time. Eridan paused to wipe it from his face, then gave him a swift punch to the gut and watched him crumple to the floor in pain.

As Sollux writhed around a bit on the floor, Eridan considered his options. He honestly wasn't actually in the right mood to kill, because that would end it all too quickly. He was also a little attracted to him and his confident demeanour, and he had to admit, he looked even more attractive like this. Eridan sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose, and whilst in thought, began to calm down as his anger bursts were relatively short.

He then realised that if he just left him, the pained male would drag himself to somewhere and spill everything. His cover would be blown. Eridan might be arrested or maybe even shot. He really didn't want that, so he finally settled on knocking him out in some way, then bringing him to his place to see what to do next. Eridan sighed, bent down, raised Sollux by the collar again and reluctantly socked him in the face, with enough strength to knock him out.

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