The First Dream

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To set the background for you:
I had this dream after the first day of my exams. The day was stressful and LITERALLY everyone failed the math exam so I went to talk to my teacher, let's call him Colin, about it. He said he was going to help us out grade-wise and not to worry too much. I was very relieved. And then I went to sleep and had a disturbing dream that goes like this:

It was a relaxing Sunday morning. My parents were gone for the week for some reason I'm not sure. Whatever. Not important. Anyway, I'm eating some cereal and watching a cooking television show. I'm rather enjoying myself.

Suddenly, ding, goes the doorbell and I peek out the window to see if it's an axe murderer and you'll never guess who it was!

Brendon fucking Urie on my front step.

I open the door to let him in. For some reason he felt like a family friend. And we were chatting and he was like, "yeah man I've been doing fine. Just trying to go out and mingle. Ever since I divorced Ryan because I never felt good enough for him."

I pat his shoulder and I say, "hey man come watch some TV and how about you come to school with me tomorrow for an adventure." Brendon likes this idea and he agrees to come with me. Hahah there's an innuendo to be made there.

Anyway, next morning. I get ready for school and I drive Brendon with me to school so that he can meet my friends and talk with some teachers and idk just chill. We walk into the cafeteria where students are sitting at tables talking and laughing. I bring Brendon to meet my friends and they get along instantly!

Suddenly he stops talking and looks over at Colin, the math teacher. In his twenties, he looks like one of the high schoolers but his teacher badge says otherwise. He looks a bit sad, he recently divorced his wife. He makes eye contact my Brendon and Brendon smiles and waves.

Brendon slides over to Colin. Literally slides, not joking. As in scoots his feet until he is right next to him.

"Hey." Brendon says sweetly. Colin brushes his short hair behind his ear as if he has any long hair but somehow it works.

"Hi. I'm Colin." Brendon smiles flirtatiously.

"Such a lovely name for a lovely looking man." He puts his arm around Colin and pulls him closer, smirking as he did so. Now, Colin is BLUSHING. As in, full on red faced, but smiling with hope and happiness. Nobody is paying attention to Brendon or Colin, only me (it's my dream so I have to but whatever)

Suddenly Brendon opens his mouth, sticks his tongue out and starts having a damn make out session with Colin. Colin moans and pulls away. Brendon narrows his eyes sadly.

"I just...ever since I divorced my wife I haven't..." Colin stutters, looking embarrassed. Brendon chuckles.
"Colin, this is the chance for a fresh start! Please..." Colin looks up at Brendon, and proceeds to make out with him.

Now since it's my dream I wasn't all that shocked and suddenly I noticed Brendon take his right hand and slither it down Colin's front and squeeze in between his legs and suddenly Colin literally falls on top of Brendon and I was shocked. But I wasn't shocked at the situation, I was shocked at Colin being the top.

And then I woke up in my bed at like 4:00 in the morning. Now, I was so disturbed and I wanted to cry. I thought that'd be it, but good god no. There would be 3 more after this. It's interesting how it all lined up. And a bit weird.

A Crack Fic Based on Some Strange ShitWhere stories live. Discover now