Dedicated to Dav1na86 because I miss her and she's funny!!
Chorophobia- fear of dancing.
Anthophobia - Fear of flowers.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- fear of the number 666.
Nomophobia - fear of being out of mobile phone contact.
Oneirophobia -fear of dreams
Pupaphobias- fear of puppets.
Spectrophobia- fear of mirrors.
Turophobia- fear of cheese.
Tetraphobia- fear of the number 4
Pedophobia- fear/dislike of children.
Koumpounophobia - fear of buttons.
Phagiphobia- fear of swallowing.
Aquaphobia-fear of water.
Ablutophobia- fear of bathing.
Katsaridaphobia- fear of cockroaches.