Chapter 2

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  That night that Mom and Dad went to dinner was six months ago. Everything had been normal around here: Elle and I were still in school (though we did have Winter and Spring Breaks), Mom and Dad still worked, we all had our extracurricular activities which Grandma helped chauffeur us to, and life was still hectic as usual. Elle and I still had to tolerate Grandma after school as much as we always have, and we're were preparing to tolerate her more. Today was May 9th, a.k.a the launch of Mom and Dad's Annual Vacation.

  We all sat on the couch early Thursday morning watching Full House while Mom shuffled around making sure she had everything. Normally, I'd be shuffling around myself to get ready for school but today we woke up earlier to say goodbye to our parents. Right now I'd usually be eating breakfast and heading to the bus stop, but Grandma said she'd drive us to school today. Yay... She hates the driveway at my school, especially at carpool times.

  Mom finally emerged from my parent's bedroom, lugging a large Vera Bradley suitcase in Mocha Rouge, accompanied by her two matching smaller bags. Dad sighed an 'it's about time' sigh and we all stood up. We all made our way to the back door and Elle and I helped Mom with her bags. My parents gathered their luggage from us as we unlocked the door. They kissed us all goodbye and gave us a lecture we know as well as our names; the speech about behaving and not giving Grandma attitude. And blah blah blah. Then they thanked Grandma for staying with us and kissed us goodbye again. Before we knew it, we were standing outside the door waving as the car pulled out of the driveway and disappeared down the street.

  When Grandma, Elle and I were all back inside, Grandma said, "Okay, get your stuff ready for school so we can go. Elle, you ate your cereal. Avery, did you eat breakfast?" I replied a simple, "Yes, I made French Toaster Sticks." Elle and I hoisted our heavy backpacks onto our shoulders and slowly walked out the front door to our grandmother's car. I felt the humid air cling to my face, threatening to choke me as I tried to take a deep breath in. By this time of the year, it was already in the high 80's and 90's outside. The sun peaked through the tall trees in our yard and I could feel myself break a small sweat under my school sweatshirt. Grandma stepped out into the yard and started fussing about the weather. I didn't say anything, but instead dragged my small Vera Bradley duffel bag in Ellie Blue to the car. This was going to be a long week.


  "I don't even know hom I'm going to survive this week," I complained to my best friend, Charlotte, as we slowly entered the caffeteria for lunch later that day. "I don't know how I've done it in the past. I guess I was younger and didn't realize how crazy and annoying my grandmother was."

 "Maybe she got more crazy and annoying over the years, as you both got older." Charlotte suggested. I took no time to take this into consideration. I just sighed as I thought about the long week ahead of me. I'm going to need a vacation for myself after this, I thought. "I don't think so," I finally replied to my friend. Our conversation quickly ended as we approached our normal table on the far end of the caffeteria. As we sat down, we said hello to the girls we usually sit with: a classmate and sort-of-friend named Emma, a nerdy but funny friend named Shay, and one of my other best friends, Kay. After complaining to Kay about my upcoming week, we proceeded to have a normal lunch.


  When I stepped off the hot school bus later that afternoon (today was one of the few days I didn't have an activity after school), I checked the mailbox and turned on the sprinkler for the front yard, as usual. The hot sun peaked through the trees and beat down on me, causing me to break a small sweat. When I turned on the sprinkler, no water came out. I whined, as this meant one thing- the hose was twisted again. Hauling my school bag, I walked over to the hose and looked for the tangled spot. I attempted to juggle the mail and all my school stuff while I worked to untwist the hose, beginning to sweat a great deal in the meantime. Wipping away the beads of sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand, I mentally cursed. I finally heard water spew out of the system, feeling relieved. Dodging the line of water, I trudged inside my house through the front door.

  Grandma was relaxed on the couch, munching on almonds I didn't even know we had. "There you are," she began. "I saw the bus pull up and you didn't come in. I got worried," she fussed. When are you not worried? Oh right, never, I thought, mentally noting that she clearly wasn't worried enough to come look for me. "Sorry, I was turning the sprinkler on," I replied emotionlessly. "Well it took you a while," Grandma complained. You don't say, was my next thought. "How was school?" I was asked that question daily, and I gave the same answer almost every time, especially when I didn't want to talk and even if the day wasn't. "Good." As my grandma began to complain yet again about how I always say my day was good and never anythign else, I grabbed a soda can and some Goldfish from the kitchen and made my way to the stairs. "Where are you going?" Ugh, she never stopped. "Upstairs. I have homework." I said as I dashed up the stairs to escape my always-questioning grandmother.

  Upon reaching the top of the stairs, I peered into my sister's room to find her on her floor watching tv, which was something she rarely did. "Hey," I said. "Hi," she replied. "Why are you up here?" I asked, because my sister never spent time in her room. "Grandma's driving me nuts again." My sister frowned and balled her hands into fists. I sighed. "So nothing new," I answered. "Sorry to hear that. Anyway, I'm gonna go do my homework." "Whatever," was all Elle said as her eyes flickered back to her tv.

  I made my way to my bedroom and closed the door, then flopped on my bed and sighed. I was dreading this uneventful week so much. At least tomorrow's Friday. But that only means a whole weekend with my dearest Grandma.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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