A stalker

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Listen to the song, I just think it will get you to understand Rosalie's sadness right now.

Once the Hope disappeared, demons made themselves known, evil creatures that drank human blood, and stronger of their kind could take an animal form, but they usually looked like men, only thing that gave them away were their red eyes...

The second time I awoke that day it was morning. Sun was coming through my blue curtains, birds were chirping and everything was just jolly. Except me. Today was my sixteenth birthday, yep sweat sixteen. So why wasn't I happy? Easy, it's school day ,my best friend Carrie has a volleyball game so she won't be at school and I will see her only tomorrow, my mom was somewhere in Tokyo, my dad was God knows where in Italy, and I was here. Long story short I was completely alone. School starts in 2 hours, yay! NOT!  So what was I to do? I looked around my light blue room, taking in my closet and desk made of dark wood, then there was a small glass coffee table and a red armchair. I sighted and got up. There was a mirror across from my bed and I wasn't shocked seeing my bronze hair looking like a nest that served as a play toy to a hurricane. I made my bed, put my PJ's (Black shorts with a black baggy T-shirt that had a 'Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught' written in the middle.) aside and stood in front of my wardrobe debating. I ended up wearing my black, slightly ripped skinny jeans, my black and white converse and my black shirt that was just plain black and had long sleeves. I went to bathroom next, which was next to my bedroom, tamed my hair in to a high pony tale ( It still managed to look curly, but what ever...) applied a little bit of mascara (hey! It IS my birthday!) and went down stairs to get  breakfast. After munching down on waffles I went upstairs again, took my black leather jacket and my dark purple backpack. OK so I liked dark colors, but I had few light purple and red shirts as well as light blue. It was the end of autumn so the mornings were cold, but afternoons were still warm. Cold won't hit till Christmas. As I locked our two story house I started walking towards the bus stop. We lived in a small village that was full of two story houses with big  yards. Not many kids though, and no school. Thankfully, town was really close so I could even walk to school, but bus was faster and I'm lazy.

I wish something exciting happened in school, but it didn't. Bus stopped in front of me with the same dying squich, doors still cried every time they opened. At school it was noisy as always, girls talked about guys, make-up and shopping. Guys talked about football, games and stuff. I just nodded politely and listened with half of my attention. The rest of my brain was counting seconds till the last bell. I was really not good at making friendship, I mean I was cool with my class and all, but Carrie was my only real friend, and school was more boring then usual without her. Granted I did got some compliments on my outfit, as it was new so I saved it for the B day. At least I looked good, but inside I was crying. Then while I was in a bus for home I swear I saw this huge black wolf, he at least reached my waist, and I was 5,8 . His eyes were a scary blood red color and I swear he looked directly at me.

When I got off the bus I speed walked home, literally flew through the door and twice checked all the doors and windows. Man, I was paranoid, it's probably a dog, or better yet my crazy imagination mixed with boredom and loneliness. The phone rang and I picked it up. It was mom.

'Happy birthday sweetie, I'm sorry I can't be there, tell you what tell me what you want me to buy and it's yours.' I sighted, It crossed my mind to tell her I wanted a better mum, but I couldn't be that heartless.

'How about we go watch a movie, once you and dad are both here.' I said, my voice hopeful.

'Oh... i don't know... Why don't you ask him, then will see?' She said, her voice full of hesitation.

'OK...' I cleared my throat 'well thanks for calling, love you bye.'

'Bye honey, love you too.' As soon as I hung up the phone started ringing again, I quickly picked it up.

'Hi Rosie.' it was my dad. I smiled at his nick name.

'Hi daddy.'

'Happy birthday kid, listen I'm in the mall now and let me tell you there are some very pretty dresses here in Italy.' I sighted ' Dad, i don't wear dresses.'

'Um... I meant to say skirts.'

'Yeah, don't wear them either, I'm a jeans girl.' I laughed softly, it was fake but how can any one tell. Only Carrie can tell when I'm faking a laugh or a smile cause lately, she's the only one that sees the real ones.

'OK, well how 'bout you choose what you want for your b day?' I could tell he was trying, but suddenly my selfish self thought it was not enough.

'How about we go to see a movie, all three of us.' I asked with the same hopeful voice I asked my mum.

'I don't know sweetie, ask your mum, then maybe.'

'Oh, OK' I quickly caught myself and put on my cheriee tone. It was also fake. 'well we'll see, thanks for calling and have fun in Italy.'

'OK kiddo, bye.' Said my happy and oblivious dad.

I sighted and I had enough strength to go up in to my bedroom before it hit me. All the loneliness, the fact that all I want for my birthday is a small family moment, but I could as well wish to live on the moon. Even the moon thing was more likely to happen. The fact that I just spent my birthday alone and half of it at school was the cherry on my sunday. I threw myself on my bed and cried, my sobs were muffled by my pillow, my cheeks wet with tears and my back were shaking. And then there was that weird dream from last night. Seriously the strangest things always happen to me.

Little did she knew that a pair of blood red eyes was watching her from the forest. The wolf lowered his snout a little. He was getting intense negative vibes from the young girl. He growled softly as the wind carried her sweet scent. Her blood must be delicious. Then she entered her house, and he could only hear her. Wind  carried the muffled sobs to him, he turned around and ran back in to the forest with a plan forming in his head.

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