Present Day

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"So let's meet up, then you can have a clean breakup with me",she said.

"Sure let me get back, we would meet when college reopens",he replied.

He said those words with an expectation that she would say no, not for meeting such late but meeting ASAP.

And yes she did, she did exactly the same.

"No,if you want to meet then meet me today."she replied.

"I can't leave home , badly occupied".

They continued talking for a while.....

Her taunts , her words , he could totally imagine the look on her face and the way she was saying all this to him. He could only listen and try to ignore all her bitter words of hatred, because he choose to listen to her. Whatever be the case he wanted her to hate him. He tried to casually talk and increase her anger and his plan was actually working. With every word she spoken, a tear fell from his eyes.

He saw the part of her which he never wanted to see. He heard the part about him which he thought she would never taunt about. He heard things which concluded what all she thinks about him.

Yet he didn't raise his voice once. He didn't asked her to stop and he didn't tell her he was acting all this while. He simply kept quite, his ego was overtaken by his love. That love which can go to any extend to make her hate him.

Why was he doing this ? To know more keep following Untold Tale.

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