Liam Payne

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Today is my day off from being a slave so I'm for a run at the park. I put on my running clothes, grabbed by phone and earphones and left the orphanage for an hour.

I have spent half an hour at the park so far. I was listening to History by One Direction and I wasn't looking where I was going because all of a sudden I bumped into someone and fell over.

"Omg I'm so sorry" I heard a familiar voice say

"Don't worry it's my fault I should have watched where I was going" I said I looked up to see the one and only Liam Payne. "Hey your Liam Payne" I said as I got up.

"Yep that's me and it's my fault I shouldn't of been stood in the way" he said smiling at me.

"Let's just agree that it's both of our fault so we don't start an argument". I said before we both started laughing.

"Ok anyway you know who I am so it's only fair that I know what your name is". Liam said when we had finished laughing.

"I'm Ariana" I said as I shook he hand.

"Well it was nice to meet you Ariana I hope we meet again soon. Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked me

"No but thanks anyway" I said if he found out where I lived he would feel sorry for me like everyone else and I don't want that.

We said goodbye and I walked back to the orphanage.

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