First kiss

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Last night was fun me and Niall decided to build a fort in the living room and put all our favourite food in there when the boys weren't around. They didn't think it was funny at first but then we let them in and they started to have fun as well.

Matt should be here soon we have been getting closer lately and I get butterflies whenever I'm around him.

"Matt's here" I heard Niall shout we have also gotten closer these last few weeks he's like my best friend.

When I got down stairs I told Niall I would be home in a few hours and left.

Me and Matt where sat in the park just talking about random stuff.

"Ari I have to tell you something" Matt said.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Ever since I met you I have felt like we have a connection and I am starting to have feelings for you and there only getting stronger". He said to me

I smiled up at him and he started to lean in and he kissed me I ammediately kissed back I felt sparks between us.

When we ended the kiss we just smiled at each other for a minute.

"Would you come on a date with me next week?" Matt asked me.

"Yes" was all I managed to say before Matt's lips were on mine again.

Adopted by Liam Payne Where stories live. Discover now