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 Hey guys, sorry about my short chaps! I'm probably just lazy!  oh and you might have realised that each chap might have a dedication basically if you get dedicated it means i either love you! or i have been inspired by your work/ been grateful for comments and constructive criticism on my works, so if you help me out or give ideas etc i will dedicate my chap to you :)) peace out - wild_fire

vomment? xoxoxox  

p.s can anyone think of a music video to go with this chap?

 Liam and I took the bus home, I didn’t say much but just let him talk and talk like his usual self, when we got off the bus we walked back to my house, he had been there so many times it was practically his second home. As I fumbled around with my key and unlocked the door he carried on talking about his summer and how he had seen the northern lights in Sweden. Lucky him! Imagine having the experience of that? The beautiful colours sweeping across the sky, emerald greens, sapphire blues and amazing pinks swirling round and round against the dark cold night, searching for something...a sense of direction...hope.

We entered my house while Liam immediately ran into the living room and leapt on our comfy beige couch.

“Yes, I will fix you a drink sir!” I laughed, rolling my eyes.

“With ice?” He pleaded with those heart melting puppy eyes. “Thanks Joy?”

“Okay.” I reluctantly said, going off into the kitchen to pour out some orange and mango juice. I was in the middle of pouring it into the glass when my hand jolted for no reason, I cursed as I hurried to find a cloth to wipe away the mess with. I finally cleared it all up and went to the freezer for some ice when I heard Liam aww-ing and something or another. I went into the room to find him holding a family album.

“What are you doing?” I asked in a panic snatching the album

“Waiting for a drink, looking at these pictures...You look so cute in them!” Liam replied aww-ing again.

“Yeah Yeah, I was five.” I exclaimed. Mum must have left the album in the living room after having a look at them, There were several pictures of me playing on my bed with dolls, I was wearing a teal coloured dress with a white top underneath, and I had my hair in bunches.

“Who are you handing that doll to?” Liam asked me as I turned around to find him looking over my shoulder.

“Nobody” I snapped closing the album and tossing it on the couch.

“You were quite obviously playing with someone...an imaginary friend?” Liam asked “ That’s so sweet, what was their name?"

“Ha ha, not quite.” I murmured as I wandered off into the kitchen again to finish off the juice while Out of the corner of my eye I saw Liam shrug and slump back down again. When I was done I brought it into the living room and handed one to Liam. I switched on the television by the remote and we watched ‘My Family’ I don’t usually watch it but I almost literally laughed my head off with Liam, I just hope he had forgotten about the pictures already.

For the rest of the evening we ate spaghetti and watched more comedy shows before he needed to get home, the good thing with Liam was that he only lived five minutes away so our houses were within walking distance.

He waved goodbye as I shut the front door and sat back down in the living room. I sighed, and fiddled with the silver locket I wore around my neck.

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