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  • Dedicated to EveryoneWhoReadsThis

 Thaliya's Point of View...

I rested my head on the pillow as I watched my older brother playing his guitar and singing to block out the sound of my mom's screams. I know. Screams? Did she burn herself or something? If she did, why weren't we out there helping her?

Well, the real answer is: my step father is a drunk. He'll leave in the morning. Get drunk. Come home at around 5 in the evening. Beat mom (sometimes even me and Bryce, my older brother). And then he would leave the house again and come back a few hours later and repeated this every single day.

I wish either Bryce or I had the courage to call the police, but my mom wouldn't be so pleased with that. She says he's helped us in ways we wouldn't understand. Our reply always is: You're right. We don't understand.

I never got the courage to tell anyone what was going on at my house. Or why I couldn't be out having fun (while my mother's going through harsh beating; I can't be out having a laugh). Or even why I can't have anyone over.

"Why does she put up with that ugly creep?" I stated sitting up in my bed.

"I don't know. What could possibally be the reason? I mean, all he does is beat her all day...He doesn't help us at all!" Bryce said clearly annoyed with the subject I chose to talk about.

"Go to sleep, you need rest. If your temperature rises any higher, you'll be in the hospitall for a week." He was right. I had been sick for the past week. Going to the doctor every now and then.

"Well, I can't with her screaming like that!" I frowned tears threating to spill out.

Bryce put his guitar down on the floor and put his arm protectively around me. Bryce and I were only 2 years apart. Me 19 him 21.

"It'll be over soon." he said glancing at the clock. 7:23 pm. Usually, Steve, my step dad, ugh, don't even want to call him that, left around 7:30.

"Yeah, when he finally takes her life and then moves on to one of us!" I said a tear falling down my right cheek.

"Shh. Don't cry." he said rubbing my back.

"I hate him!" I yelled out loud.

Steve obviously heard that cause he bolted into my bedroom. I gasped as he came up and grabbed me by my hair.

"Let go of her!" Bryce yelled shooting out of bed.

"Oh yeah. What'll you do?" Steve grinned evilly at him.

I watched Bryce ball up his fists. Uh oh. That usually meant trouble.

"Bryce don't!" I yelled, but it was too late.

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