Cedar Point With The Pastas

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The Creepypasta's Vacation.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

One day, the Creepypastas were going on a surprise vacation! Jeff, Shadow, Ben, Dark Link, and Sally were going to go. In the morning, Shadow ate 3 pancakes. She hurried up and washed her hands with her favorite soap. She used a pink wash cloth to wash her face. She brushed her teeth with "Bubble Berry Burst" toothpaste. She grabbed her lunch, backpack, and suitcase for the big trip. She hugged her brothers and sisters and rushed out the door. She ran into the bus. She was assigned a seat with Dark Link, and Sally was in the seat beside her with some stranger. They babbled on and on about the trip. Finally, they stopped at another bus stop. They ran to Slenderman. He collected all their plane tickets. Everyone had their backpacks on and their suitcases ready to go. They announced their ticket names and all of them lined up behind Slenderman. They all got onto the trolley (that took them to the plane). Jeff sat with BEN (guilt trip). Shadow was pulled into the seat with Dark Link. And Sally sat with Slenderman. 2 hours later, the bus stopped at the airport. They went on the escalator and got to the waiting area. Their plane number was called. They went through the security, gave their tickets to the driver, and took their seats. Slenderman left the children behind. Jeff and BEN sat together again (they both sat down at the same time). Actually, They ALL sat together on a big red booth. They each had their own little tables. They even had a place for their backpacks. The pilot collected the suitcases and put them under the plane. They talked and talked about the place they were going to: Cedar Point! The pilot announced "Lunch time!" for they were the only ones on that plane. They all got up and headed towards the big "Kroger-like" stand. Shadow got an apple and a purple iced fudge bar. She crunched on the apple for a little bit. Under lids on their tables were garbage bags. Shadow threw her apple core away and ate the fudge. When she was done, she got out her lunch. Her brother put a note on her napkin. It read:
Dear Shadow,
I don't know if they told you this, but you will be away for a whole week. I will miss you lots, Your Bro, DK.
It was a very sorrow letter, but Shadow was just fine. She ate her ABCs and meatballs. Then she noticed a recognizable blue rapper. An airhead! She gobbled it all up. She left 2 pieces. One for her twin brother, and one for Slenderman. Then she put her lunchbox away. She played her DS. Then she read her new book: "The Dog Who Saved Me and other life-saving pets". She took a nap when she was done. She woke up. The pilot announced "Get your seatbelts on. We are ready to land." All of them snapped on their seatbelts. When they landed, they put their backpacks on, got their lunch boxes ready, and got off the plane. At the airport, they all grabbed their suitcases. When they left, they sat on the bench and got their bus money ready. The little blue bus stopped. The bus said "Cedar Point: Hotel Snoopy". That was their bus. They sat on the bus. It was chilly on the bus, but humid outside. It was the first day of the trip. They got off and walked in. They signed in and got their key. They got on the elevator and got to the room. They unpacked and got their pajamas on. They walked down the hall and saw Snoopy! They all ran up to hug him. They got some change out and got some snacks. They went back to the room and ate. They played for a while and went to bed. In the morning, all the girls woke up. They got up and took showers. They also got dressed. Shadow wore long jeans and a white top with a wilting rose on it. She wore a white CP hat and brand new white tennis shoes. When all of them were dressed, they each ate at Perkins. All of them got bacon, eggs, and pancakes. When they were done, they went down to their rooms. First they watched TV. They watched 5 episodes on Investigation Discovery, and 3 on MTV. After that, they watched the movie The Gallows. It really was epic! Then they played Majora's Mask. Dark Link won! Then they went to Perkins again and ate. Jeff had a hotdog. BEN had a salad. Sally had a cheeseburger. Dark Link had french-fries and cheese. Shadow had mac-and-cheese. When they were done, they went back to the room. They talked for a bit. Then they all fell asleep while reading books. The next morning they got showers and got dressed. Shadow wore a Pinocchio shirt and some gray shorts on top of her favorite blue swimsuit. She also wore some white, yellow, and pink flip-flops. They ran down to Perkins and they all ordered a muffin to go. They ate on the bus to the lake. Sally brought down sand toys. Shadow brought some flippers and scuba gear. Dark Link brought a raft. BEN brought a "Find Stuff in the sand" toy. Jeff brought some goggles. Sally built a big sandcastle. Shadow went scuba diving. Dark Link got a floating tan. BEN found a lakeshellJ. Jeff swam underwater. The group got hungry, so the went back to the hotel. This time, they got Perkin's buffet. It was getting chilly, but they went back to the lake. They played volleyball until it was dark. They decided to skip dinner for they had a late lunch. They changed and climbed into their soft beds. In the morning, they got their swimsuits on. Shadow wore her blue tankini. (which, to tell the truth, the Dark Link and Jeff kept looking at her)They got room service to serve them pancakes from Perkins. After they ate, they got their pool bags and left. (BEN didn't go, of course.) When they got there, they rode the amazing slides. Then they rode the Dragster H20. Shadow and Jeff were both tied for winning. They went to the wave pool next. It was just like the ocean but way smaller. When they were done, they talked on the adventure cove floats! There was only a little bit to talk about. When they were done talking, they got soaked at Soak City Soak Zone. Shadow got soaked by the big bucket and fell! They went on the main stream to get a little bit of a tan. Sally got a great tan. When the ride was over, they went to the adventure cove lily pad challenge. Dark Link was the only one who made it. The kids wanted more splashing so they went on the Revenge River. They were really wet! They were a little bit hungry so they ate at Subway. Shadow, Dark Link, and Sally all got a meatball sub, and Jeff got a Banana Pepper and Cheese sub. They were all hot so they got on the Zoom Flume! It was really scary. They skipped the adventure cove slides because they were tiny. They went on the Eerie Falls. It was pitch black! They explored Choochoo Lagoon. They even climbed in top of the choochoo train! They went on the Toddle River. It was dumb but at least they could talk. They went to Tadpole Town. They splashed all around. Soon they were hungry so the ate at Raging River Refreshments. Then they left. They got their pajamas on and turned on the lullabies. And then climbed into bed. The very next day, they all got up late. They got their cloths on. Shadow wore a Shepherd shirt, her grey red-and-black jacket, and her matching sweatpants. She also wore her black shoes. They ordered The Breakfast Platter from room service. Then they all ate. They rode the bus to the boardwalk. The boardwalk was awesome. They skated at the Sandusky Roller Rink (2.00 each). Jeff fell down only three times. Dark Link fell down, Creepy, three times. Sally fell down twelve times. BEN fell down three times, too. Shadowfell down, "surprisingly", only 3 times. Then they went to the arcade. BEN and Jeff versed each other in racing. BEN won. Shadow played Frogger and The Prize Chest. She got a tan teddy bear and a pink dachshund. She named the teddy Ted and the dog Lucy. She put them in her shopping bag. Jeff also played Donkey Kong. BEN played Pac Man. Dark Link played Asteroids and Space Invaders. Sally played Chopper Command and Scramble. They walked out. They spent all their tickets they paid for(1.00 each). They went shopping. Shadow got an I Love Sandusky dog (6.00). Jeff got a Sandusky watch(7.00). Sally got a Sandusky Love doll (which Shadow sceamed at until it was out of sight) (4.50). BEN got a blue Sandusky, I Love You white striped hat(6.35). Jeff got a Sandusky Rocks dog harness for Smile Dog(8.00). The kids put their things in their shopping bags and left the store. They went into Mary's Cookies. They got 5 chocolate chip cookies(.50 each) and a large pizza(10.00). It had 10 slices in all. BEN and Jeff had 2 pepperonis. Dark Link and Shadow had 2 cheeses. Sally had one of each. Then they ate their cookies while walking to The Sandusky Petstore. They saw turtles, parrots, snakes, lizards, ferrets, cats, fish, and puppies. Then they left. They went to Sandusky Spa. Shadow and Sally got the Kid's Treatment(5.00 each). By then, it was 4:30. They walked to the bus stop and waited for 15 minutes. The bus finally arrived. They got on the bus. It was a 15 minute long ride. By the time they got to their room it was 5:30 pm. They were getting hungry so they ordered spaghetti. When they were done eating, It was 6:30. They went out to the zoo. They saw lots of animals from little squirrels to giant elephants. They saw tame dogs and wild bears. They saw white artic foxes and black bears. They saw nice hedgehogs and mean tigers. They even went to the zoo's giftshop. Shadow got a stuffed wolf. Sally got a tiger jewel. BEN got a tiger hoodie. Dark Link got a wolf snow globe. Jeff got a wolf book. It was 7:30. They went to the aquarium. They saw lots of fish. The gift shop was crowded. They all got fish key chains for their backpacks. It was exactly 8:15. They got to the bus stop at 8:30. It took the bus 15 minutes to get there and 15 to get to the hotel. They climbed into their beds and fell right to sleep. They woke up at 6:30 in the morning. They rushed and got dressed. Shadow had on a Red and black wolf shirt and black scorts. She even wore her red canvas shoes and her black Nike hat. They all rushed out the door holding bagels. They had their big backpacks on and were on the bus in no time. They handed the Cedar Point tickets to the kind man and entered the gates. First they rode the Giant Wheel to get a feeling of the rides. It was fun, but slow. They rode the Tilt-A-Whirl next. They had a fun time on it. Then they rode the Blue Streak. They all laughed and screamed with joy. It was fast and the first coaster they rode. BEN sat with Dark Link (brothers forever XD), Jeff sat with Shadow (aww, adorable love), but Sally stayed at the hotel. She was too tired and scared, so she read some books and did some other stuff. Then they rode the Cedar Creek Mine Ride. They pretended that they were miners to ride it. It was an amazing view of the water and it was quick. Next they rode the Gatekeeper. It was amazing! The whole group screamed at the top of their lungs! They enjoyed all the upside downs. Then the group hit the Gemini. BEN and Dark Link sat in the blue and Jeff and Shadow sat in the red. Blue won. The group loved the Gemini and it was fun racing each other. The Iron Dragon was next. It swayed and dipped and the group enjoyed it. The Magnum was next. It was pretty tall and the group was kinda short (BEN and Dark Link were very short, Shadow and Jeff were average). But they still rode it. They closed their eyes on the hill and screamed all the way down. It was the biggest one yet! It was amazing! Then the guys concurred the Mantis! It was high and you had to stand up. The kids were frightened but went on it anyway. They did it! It was a really fun ride. They never stood up that high before. Then the girls went on the Maverick. It was great. The group had a blast on it. They decided to go back to the Corkscrew. It banged their heads up but it was still fun. They luckily didn't get headaches. They rode the old Mean Streak. No one liked it one bit. It hurt their heads too bad. They went and got Ibuprofen. Then they rode the Millennium Force. It was the 2nd tallest coaster there! They did it and it was amazing. They rode it 2 more times and moved on. They went on the Raptor. It swung and did SO MANY loops. They loved it. THEN THEY RODE THE TOP THRILL DRAGSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The group then rode the Wicked Twister. It had a blast off like the Top Thrill Dragster and was sofun! Then they went onto the Woodstalk Express. It was pretty fun. But it wasn't very tall. Then they rode the Calypso. It was like a scrambler. It was fun. The group went on the Cedar Down Racing Derby. It was fast and really fun. Next they rode the Dodgem. It was cool and they kept bumping into each other. Then they got hungry. They ate at Joe Cool Café. They got pizza and gobbled it all up. Then they rode the Matterhorn. It was fast! It was just like an Olympic bobsled race. Then they rode the maXair. It was amazing. It was just like The Black Widow at Kennywood. It swung really high. Next up they rode the Monster. It was really spinney. The group loved it. Then they rode Ocean Motion. It was high. All the guys screamed XD! They rode the Power Tower next. It took them higher and higher until they finally dropped! They screamed as they flew in the air. After that, they rode the Scrambler. It was like the Calypso. Then they rode the Skyhawk. It was really scary. They screamed each time they went up or down. Super Himalaya was fast! Loud music played as the guys laughed and Shadow giggled (which made Jeff smirk and Dark Link start being creepy) The Troika was really twisty. The girls almost went upside down. The next ride was Wave Swinger. It was really fun. The kids really enjoyed it. The ride that was next was the Windseeker. It was high but slow. The kids could see almost everything. The dreary Witch's Wheel was next. Luckily, the kids didn't get sick. Then they rode Shoot The Rapids. The girls liked it. It made them a tiny bit wet, though. They were already wet, so they decided to ride Snake River Falls. It got them pretty wet. But not as wet as the next ride. Thunder Canyon was up next. Wow! Were they soaked! They rode the Skyscraper to get dried off. It was scary! But it was still fun. Then they rode the Ripcord next. It was freaky. (especially since Shadow had to ride with Jeff and BEN and then Dark Link. Riding with Dark Link was scary). They were scared. But then they raced each other in Challenge Race. Jeff won! Then they played Challenge Golf. It was just for fun, so they didn't keep score. They stopped by to watch Happiness is... Snoopy. They ate at Coaster Drive In. They all ordered the buffet. Then they left. They got tucked in and packed up and went to sleep. In the morning they ate cereal and left. Before the plane left, they ate lunch. Then they went back to sleep. Soon, They landed. Slenderman was waiting. They ran off and got their stuff + got on the bus. They arrived at the mansion with all the others waiting for them.

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