chapter 1

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"It's amazing how words can do that; just shred your insides apart"

Amira's POV

I cover my face trying to wipe away the tears as quickly as I can, I know by now that if I cry I'm in for much worse. It's dark outside with the pitch blackness of the night and one can only see the blue street lights barely seeping through. I would laugh at the irony if it was not for the current agony I'm in. It's dark outside but there is no light within this relationship, the blue light streaking through should symbolise the love that could save us, but my love for him is twisted and his for me is nonexistent so we have no blue, just the blackness.

"Zac I'm, I'm sorry just please stop, please!" I weep unable to hold it in any longer.

When there's a waterfall caged behind your eyes it is bound to break loose at some point in life.

"Stop? Stop! Don't f**king tell me to stop, I'm not the one who was flirting with a bar tender!" his voice booms not shocking me in the slightest and I see the fire in his eyes. He slaps me right across the face, I knew that was coming though.

"I wasn't flirting you're just a control freak!" this comes out as a choking screech.

"Shut the f**k up Amira."

I'm dragged out of the car and from there everything goes blank.


I sat down by the bar waiting for Zac to come back from the bathroom. Zac needing to go to the bathroom when we are in public places has always been one of the most challenging situations for him. When I need to go he can just wait outside the ladies, but when it's me, people will 'get to' me whether I'm standing outside the men's room or remain sitting wherever we were, I think he prefers the remaining option. Either way we don't go out that much anyway.

"What can I get you beautiful?" a good looking man from behind the bar asked me.

I flushed, I knew better than to smile at him, I learnt especially from the last time I ended up in hospital and had to lie to the doctors who still don't believe that tripping and falling down the stairs could do what only Zachery Devan Vaughn can do to me. It hurts but I'll never give him up, never. I'm still trying to decide if that's because I love him or if it's because of the pretence that I'm afraid of what he'll do to me if I do.

"Um...just water please," I said after realising I had been quiet too long, I gave him a small half smile to lighten the frown on his face.

"Of f**king course!" I heard my worst nightmare vociferate and I knew from there I was headed for a long and painful night.

The pain never changes except on rare occasions, I'm lucky enough to have the length of time on my side some nights, but most of the nights feel like this one, the only eternal place I don't dream of going to.

Bray's POV

"Well tell Henry he's fired, I don't give a sh*t what he has to say and what is this? This coffee is friggin cold Diana." I complain to my assistant.

"Yes and sorry sir but you asked for it cold, the usual,"

What is wrong with people and annoying me today?

If Henry wants to sell off our plans then blatantly lie about it then that's his problem.

"Don't play games with me right now, or ever- some people still haven't got that message, now please get me a new coffee," I hand her the cup while shutting down my computer.

"Yes, yes Mr. Vaughn," and with that she leaves.

I have told her to call me Bray at least a million times. If she doesn't want I'm not going to force her.

My name is Bray, I'm twenty-three and I'm currently in my office with pretentious people who surprisingly can't do anything right. Many think I'm too young to be working but I graduated college and my mum owns this company so it wasn't hard to get a job here and now, a few months later, because of how smart I am I am finally the CEO so everyone has to attend to me. Exactly how I prefer it because I despise being dictated to and I try not to do the same to the people around here who aren't so bad.

After hours of signing papers I grab my jacket and leave. It's a Friday so no doubt I'm headed to cuffs right now, you know what they say- work hard play hard- right. I text Dylan and tell him to meet me there in an hour and make sure there's a stripper ready for me, not anything specific just someone who I know won't get close to what I want. This has become my new temporary fascination.

Amira's POV

I wake up feeling light headed with memory's of the night I just had flashing back into my mind. I hate my life, I guess this is why I cut, it is my only hope of getting peace and happiness. Happiness from pain, I know it's messed up but it makes sense in my head.

The door opens and my worst nightmare stands in front of me.

"I'm going out to cuffs to finish the night that you joyfully ruined for me. If you're coming you better clean yourself up you look like sh*t, and please, wear something decent. Or you can stay here and cry, your choice."

He gets out leaving the door open behind him. I'm in so much physical pain and I don't really like clubbing, I only go as Zac's arm candy the few times that he does go but the thought of staying at home doing nothing is enough to get me up. Home? This is not a home, this is a house of horror filled with lies and secrets, pain and sorrow, and sadly I think I'm stuck living here for a while.

Hey,this is the first chapter of my new story revenge.Please vote and comment.what do you think will happen next?
PS everything will make more sense and the chapters will get longer just now.

Xx @b00ksareapartoflife

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