25 April 2015

22 1 1

Today. Yeah, today is the day I found you. I found my princess. Today is the day I finally found someone that cared about me, that I could trust, that could be my everything.

But I didnt know it by then. It didn't take long though.

I was new to wattpad, I couldn't stop reading. Reading fanfictions, like every fangirl did and we just happened to, I don't know read the same book at the same time and be in the same comments section. Seems so perfect now too, the timing.

I still have that notification you know? I do. I saved it cause I knew you were going to be someone special. I didn't have any internet friends and you were the first person I ever talked to on internet.

You just happened to reply one of my shitty comments and thats when it all started. Our little journey...

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