The Other Day

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This was the day I saw your reply. Everyone knows gmail sends notifications late and plus the time difference which sucked alot for us. Our days and nights... Didn't it Eeyore?

My heart started beating fast when I first saw it. I don't know why. Probably because you know the cliché saying 'dont talk to strangers'. I grew up with that. I wasnt aloud to have social media. (Im still not alowed by the way.) I just saw how caring you were and I wanted to thank you. But I didnt know how. So I just recommended a fanfic for you, which you already read.

Idk why there was something about you. Like after that I started waiting for you to reply day and night. Checked my notifications a million times. Which still continues cause I'm still waiting for you Eeyore.

Yeah like everyone we started talking. We talked and talked. Furst of I didnt want to say my name or where I was from. Cause I knew there was a possibility you could leave. But you didn't. Thank you. I knew I could trust you...

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