Chapter 4

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      I nodded at him politely when I noticed he was covered in blood, whether it was his blood or a Red Coats, I really did not know. “Are you hurt?” I asked him in response to his his steely eyed stare.

      “Maybe you could help me.” He said mysteriously. Was he saying that he was hurt? ‘Maybe he has some sort of hearing impairment from the loud gunshots?’

       “What do you need help with!” I said loudly and clearly. The man dismounted his horse,

      “Where is your house?” This man was acting very strange.

      “I would like you to answer my question first.” The man looked shocked, as if he didn’t expect me to not answer his question.

      “I...” He paused for a little, as if searching for the right words. “I am hurt, and I need your help.” The man continued slowly. Maybe be had a mental problem? What was one that caused slowness, was it retardation? (A.N NO OFFENSE) I nodded and gave him a small smile.

      “Where are you hurt? Is that what was causing the blood?” The man paused and looked down, and then looked back up to me with a shocked look on his face. “I- I dont know.” I motioned with my hand for him to follow me. “My house isnt that far...” He didnt say anything, the only clue I had that he was following me was the gentle clopping of the horses feet on the ground. When we arrived to my house I motioned for him to tie his horse up in the front. After doing so he walked into my house. “I am just going to get my first aid kit.” I said softly. For some reason I felt that if I were to be anything but gentle, it would end badly. I found the first aid kit under what used to be my bed before it was taken over by Colonel James. I carried it over, and saw him standing nervously in the kitchen. I smiled at him, “Sit down and take off your shirt.” I turned around to get bandages and something to suture the wound. I knew that if the wound was bleeding this much that it would need to be sutured. When I turned around I stopped in my tracks.

      If he was injured I would have no problem seeing him with his shirt off, but he wasnt injured. When I turned around I was greeted by the sight of a perfectly healthy man, no injury in sight. “I could have sworn the source of the bleeding was coming from the abdomen...” I muttered to myself. “What wound?” The soldier asked. I looked up at him in confusion. “Werent you injured?”

The soldier shook his head. “No.” He said calmly.

I looked at him closely, “Then where did all of this blood come from?”

The soldier smiled coldly, his timid personality gone. “It is a war out there you know. I am surprised that the RedCoats blood is as red as their coats.”

I shivered, how could this man be so cruel! “Well since you are not injured then would you kindly take your shirt back and leave?”

The man shook his head, “But why should I when I have finally got you right where I want you.” I whipped my head around to face him, ready to defend myself if the need be.

“I don’t know what you mean by that last statement but I am giving you one last warning; get the hell out of my house.” His attitude didnt changeat my declaration.

 “But we could have so if i didn’t leave.” Before I could force him out of my house he grabbed my wrists tightly.

I wont be able to update for a while because I am going to Europe but thanks for reading! 

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