The dream. 12-20-2015

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The dream: I was in some sort of country, what I think may be Africa, and I was near a brown stream separating me from a forest. I was standing on a muddy bank and next to a broken down wood shed/dock. I walked around and soon after traveling to the left, I soon get onto grass and walk towards a house. I walk past a window to see I'm in a white gown and a white hat with a big red bow is on my head but the weird part was I was not me. I am tan and dark hair but the window reflected a blonde, who was also pale. I then get a 3rd person view of what I thought was me and see her saying stuff as if she was trying to let some one down easy. She took off her red bow and knocked on the door. Soon, I'm on a couch as the girl again in a flash. I am met with a man I cannot remember his face. I was sitting and waiting for something. Soon a friend I feel came inside and the man was singing, "Here comes the bride, here comes the bride." My friend is a African American wearing traditional clothing. I was confused as was she and she asked why the man was singing that. She walks down a flight of stair that I can't see her but she reaches the last step and sees me and gasp. I look down and gasp as the bow turned into bouquet of flowers. (Around this time I'm trying to wake up.) soon the guy holds me tight and is saying something, like i was perfect, or I think how we are ready for this and I keeping saying no, no, almost to the point where I'm almost shouting at him and he holds me tighter and I'm trying to break free. I soon run to find the door but I was soon nocked out. ( I thought the dream was over, I was soon waking up but soon,) I wake up, still in the dream, but on the floor, I look up to see 2 shadows next to me. I stand to see it was the man from earlier infront of me, and beside us was a man who looked a lot like the pope. The pope guy was saying something, and soon the man infront of me, is yelling at me to say something. "Say it!! Say it!!" He keeps saying and I keep saying "No stop let go of me, I don't want this let me go!!" This guy is seemingly trying to hurt me as I struggle to get out of his grip, trying to find a way for me to say the retched 'I do.' I soon got out of his grip and this place we were in was a black obyss, pieces of wood or furniture in mid air and a make shift stair case floating in mid air led to a door. I ran down the stair and stuff started falling. As I turned to see anything else I see him ruining towards me. I get to the door and get out, and shut it in his face. Soon a flash of light takes me to were I first started. I fell like a year or 2 have passed. In swimming in the brown stream with my African American friend and I soon walk out and head back to the house. I see in the window that I am still the blonde girl but I forgot what I was wearing. I knocked on the door and the man came back and I asked him if he still wanted to get married. He said yes but then says he already married the past year, and I smiled saying congratulations. Then I wake up...

What the hell does it mean??!! My family said it might be a past life but I don't know!!!!

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