Chapter 2

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Right as Elizabeth shouted throw! Emma didn't hesitate and threw her dagger which landed right on the bullseye. Emma threw the dagger so hard that the only thing sticking out of the wall was the handle.

"Your turn" Emma smiled.

Hook took a deep breath and threw his. It landed on the bullseye but just the tip.

"Aim goes to Emma" Elizabeth sighed.

Emma went to go pick up her sword and right as she did Hooks was on the back of her neck. Emma was crouched down on the floor defenseless until she remembered what Elizabeth taught her when she was 18. Emma elbowed Hook in the shin hitch caused him to stumble back. Emma stood up kicked his kneecaps and once he was on the floor she stepped hard on his chest and put the tip of her sword on his throat. "A 200 year old pirate can't even win against a 26 year old pri--woman" she caught herself from saying princess and thank god she did.

"Have you gotten your scar yet?" He smirked up at her.

"Yes I did. 8 years ago" she responded.

"I think you'd make a great addition to my crew. Would you like to join?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Elizabeth's eyes widened as she came over and put her boot on his mouth. "Em, don't even think about it. It may seem like a good experience but trust me...once you get to know him and his crew you'll be dying to come back and wish you had never gone. Please don't go"

"I'm 26. It's time I can make my own decisions. I'm going and if I end up hating it oh least I'll know what your stories are actually like" Emma said.

Elizabeth took her boot off of Hook and just walked outside and kept walking. Emma stepped off Hook as well and he stood up.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Wait now?" She asked back. "Just gimme a few minutes" she went upstairs and changed into her other pair of black leather pants, a gray shirt, kept her brown boots on, and grabbed her red leather jacket. She also stuck a dagger inside her jacket and her sword around her waist.

"Now you ready?" He asked as she was coming downstairs.

"Let's go" she responded and they both walked out and over to the Jolly Roger.

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