Logic and Loftwing Index

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Let me please explain a few things about this first story of mine, just to set a few things straight before I begin writing. I hope this helps a bit, anyway.

• This story is set in an alternate Skyloft. The Statue of the Goddess did not fall. The Surface is still accessible in the cloud barrier gaps. Link and Zelda, at the current time of writing, are not planned to exist. The Master Sword (and, in extension, Fi) are on the Surface. Most of the residents are not the same and do not have bird-related names. The Thunderhead still exists, but birds can fly into it.

• This story is centred around Loftwings and the connections they have with their partners. In this story they are almost as intelligent as people and understand Hylian, but the Hylians cannot understand them. They each have a four letter name they use among their own kind, but a partner can name them in Hylian if they wish.

• The colour systems and ranks are based off of this guide by RubyDragonCat on DeviantArt -- http://orig07.deviantart.net/437a/f/2013/327/3/5/loftwing_colors_and_ranks_by_rubydragoncat-d6vdnyt.png. The 'weight' system is not relevant. I do not claim any rights whatsoever for any colours of bird I use.

• The Surface is, although accessible, completely off-limits to everyone except for high-ranking Skyloft Knights.

• Loftwings can go to the Surface but only under the guidance of their partner.

• Certain rare colours (namely the Crimson Red, Sunlight Gold and Bronze Orange) have not been seen in the Sky for generations. There are myths, however.

• The 'Virtues' mentioned in the Index will only come into play later on in the story. I have plans, guys.

Now here is an index for the Loftwings appearing. I will only update this when a new bird appears in the plot.


Name: Lila
Gender: Female
Classification: Lilac Purple (uncommon)
Crest: Braided feathers flowing down neck
Virtue (if held): N/A
Main Strength: Parenting
Main Weakness: Awkward questions
Partner: Caroline Elliott; mother of four; trained as Knight but failed final exam
Accessories: Wooden bead necklace
Facts: Birth mother of ????, Kuro and Niva and foster mother of Gael; roosts near the Faron cloud barrier gap; frequently worries for her kids
First Appearance: Prologue

Name: Zoro
Gender: Male
Classification: Dusk Blue (common)
Crest: Combed back bob tied with thread
Virtue (if held): N/A
Main Strength: Compassion
Main Weakness: Others' judgement
Partner: Jon Elliott; Knight of Skyloft often deployed to surface
Accessories: White scarf
Facts: Birth father of ????, Kuro and Niva and foster father of Gael; nests on an island near the Thunderhead; often visits his children
First Appearance: Prologue (mentioned)

Name: Gael
Gender: Male
Classification: Fire Orange (uncommon)
Crest: Scruffy bob beaded with wood
Virtue (if held): Trust
Main Strength: Flight
Main Weakness: Organisation
Partner: Grace Elliott; about to enter proper Knight Academy training
Accessories: Red belt with gold buckle around neck/collar area
Facts: Teased by many for his lack of blood-related family; nobody's ever seen him preen; only male of Fire Orange classification on record
First Appearance: Technically Prologue, but what the hell: The First August.

Name: Kuro
Gender: Male
Classification: Nightsky Black (common)
Crest: Feathers all curled up at the back
Virtue (if held): Strength
Main Strength: Boldness
Main Weakness: Family
Partner: ???
Accessories: Silver chain with Loftwing claw pendant
Facts: Much kinder than most Nightsky Blacks in comparison; gets into races and fights too often; rowdy and often gets into trouble
First Appearance: The First August

Name: Niva
Gender: Female
Classification: Daysky Blue (common)
Crest: 'Flare' on each side
Virtue (if held): Determination
Main Strength: Sticks to tasks
Main Weakness: reprimands others too often
Partner: ???
Accessories: Leather straps around chest and tail tied in centre
Facts: Massive tomboy – you'd think she was a male until you hear her speak; usually the one to yell at Gael; likes pumpkin soup a lot
First Appearance: The First August (mentioned)

Name: Sera
Gender: Female
Classification: Brick Red (uncommon)
Crest: Simple plume tipped with orange
Virtue (if held): Friendship
Main Strength: Courage
Main Weakness: Uses bad language a lot
Accessories: Rope with silver bells
Partner: Olana Green; best friend of Grace; about to enter proper Knight Academy training
Facts: Best friend of Gael; loves to tease other Loftwings; loves to try catching up to Gael in the sky with their partners
First Appearance: The First August

Name: Alfo
Gender: Male
Classification: Pine Green (common)
Crest: Slicked down and curled at the bottom
Virtue (if held): N/A
Main Strength: Endurance
Main Weakness: Outspoken
Accessories: Golden chain
Partner: Nathan Price; about to enter proper Knight Academy training
Facts: Very competitive in anything; self-proclaimed rival of every other bird in Skyloft; eats too many bugs
First Appearance: The First September

Name: Pura
Gender: Female
Classification: Violet Purple (rare)
Crest: Feathers tied at the base and flowing down neck
Virtue (if held): Love
Main Strength: Friends with everyone
Main Weakness: Can't handle insults
Partner: ???
Accessories: Blue band around crest, sky blue scarf
Facts: Very well-liked among young Loftwings; sticks up for Gael when around; only Violet Purple Loftwing around at current time
First Appearance: The First October

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