Target 7: To Italy! Part 3: Welcome to the Madhouse

5.8K 226 87

A/N: *looks at views*


*dies of shock/happiness*


*starts typing Author's note*

I just noticed that I am slowly beginning to write more in the Author's Notes. This story has reach 1k, which is the best way to end my midterms. Since I have the next two weeks off I'll try to update more often, though I make no promises, because I can be really, really lazy at times. I'll try to keep the Author's notes smaller, unless you want to listen to my ramblings, which I'm pretty sure no one wants to.


Normal Text

"Speaking Japanese"


"Speaking Italian"


Incorrect grammar/spelling

Horrible attempts at humor and sarcasm


Author rambling in Author's notes.

Disclaimer: Still don't own, not even in a parallel world. 


"We are now over the drop sight, I repeat, we are now over the drop sight. You may proceed to open the hatch," A voice called from over the speaker.

"Ok everyone move away from the panel that is unless you want to fall," Fran said as pushed a red button on the wall causing the large panel on the floor to move down ward and air to rush in, making it impossible to hear anyone unless they were welling.

"REMEMBER TO WAIT A FEW SECONDS BEFORE PULLING OUT THE PARACHUTE," The attendant screamed over the roar of the wind.

The kids looked over the edge of the plane warily and one boy, by the name of Shoko, looked at the distance land bellow him. He could see white cloud obscuring the view of the green patches bellow, reminding him just how high he was. The silent boy was terrified of heights, going on a plane freaked him out enough, jumping out of one would surely cause a panic attack.

"DON'T WORRY, YOU'LL BE FINE, THE WORSE THAT CAN HAPPEN IS DEATH," Fran said as he pushed the boy out of the plane, almost as if he had patted him to hard on Shoko's back, "WHOOPS," he said making it seem like an accident.

He screamed louder than anyone thought possible for the poor boy.

He screamed...

...and screamed...

...and screamed...

Then screams turned into laughter, seeming as if he was enjoying himself suddenly, though that seemed highly unlikely. Perhaps he had lost his mind and was now going delusional. For all we know he could be imagining that he was riding on a sparkling unicorn over the rainbow and into Wonderland. Though this is just speculation, he could be having fun or scared half to death, that's up to the viewers to decided. Most of the class had decided that he had gone crazy. The small boy fumbling with the wire, finally managed to open the white parachute and let out a sigh of relief that went unheard.

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