Chapter 1

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" I ain't saying shit" I yelled into the cops face. "Well India if you won't tell us who killed 16 year old Ray then your looking into jail for a long time " he said " listen her, I don't give two fucks, you can threaten me all you want but I'm not fased by it. You know why? Because you white bitches ain't got shit on me to prove I know who killed that boy . And until my mom or dad get her I ain't saying shit " I said sitting back in my chair and crossing my arms. I watched as the cop talked into his walki-talki saying "okay call her parents she not saying nothing and she means it " he said . I nodded my head in victory. " all right India Jones your free to go" he said taking the hand cuffs off me and opening the door.

We walked down the hallway to see my family standing there. Tamika my 18 year old sister and my mom and dad. I saw my moms face it was red from her crying.

My mom was a high yellow color with brown curly hair. My mom had a good body she had nice full lips her butt was big but not to big. She had a nice set of boob's and everything. She came with the whole package. My older sister looked just like my mom , high yellow nice lips and brown hair but I had my moms body the only thing about it is that I was dark-skinned like my dad . I didn't have a problem cause we all know darskin girls are winning.

" really India this is your fourth time here this week" said Tamika "okay and your not my mom " I said as we walked to the car " okay I might not be mommy but mom is too upset to speak up so I am " she said sitting next to me in the back seat. "Well It would help if you mind your businesses because does mom know about your okay so you have way bigger problems then me" I said

The rest of the ride home was quiet. As we stepped out the car and walked up to our house my mom stopped. " I am so tired of this, tired of bailing you outta jail, tired of you holding secrets, tired of everything. What did I do to deserve this" she yelled dropping to her knees and crying. " kids go inside" said my dad. Me and Tamika did as told. "You see what you did!" Yelled Tamika spitting a little in my face. "I ain't do shit" I said "before you was born everything was fine, mom and dad had a perfect marriage. Now dad is cheating and mom doesn't even know. " she shouted "you killed this family" she said charging after me. She ran and wrapped her hands around my neck squeezing hard. I gasped for air looking around for help. I spotted a bottle. Crack! Goes the bottle as I smashed it over Tamika head. I watched as she fell to the ground and her blood cover the floor. I knew she wasn't dead because I didn't hit her hard enough. I ran out the back door and ran as fast as I could I didn't stop until I couldn't run anymore or until I knew I was far enough away from the house.

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