Chapter 2

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I sat down at the bus stop tired and out of breath, by this time I knew I was far enough. I looked around for a store to get something to eat from. I spotted a corner store. I walked in there . I grabbed a bottle of water and a bag of hot Cheetos. Then I order a cheese steak. I payed for my stuff and then I walked out. I saw a Brooklyn cop car ride by I froze up and stood there as they drove by. After they passed I knew I needed to get somewhere to eat and rest.

As I was walking eating my hot Cheetos I heard my name. I turned around to see my two bestfriends Diamond and Nila "girl what you doing over here " asked diamond "nothing just was getting something from the store" I said "girl you lien cause there's a corner store right by your house and you all the way out here " said Nila "ard well I got into a fight with ma sister and I think I hurt her bad but I didn't kill her " I said "did you get it on camera " said Diamond "this isn't funny" said Nila pushing Diamond "stop y'all don't fight , and Nah I didn't get it on camera" I said "oh well, but that still don't answer why u out here " she said "well because I got scared and ran because my mom had just picked me up from the police station- "are you serious!? What happened" said Nila "nothing I'm good but what I was saying was my mom was already stressing and I didn't wanna be there to make it worse so I ran" I said "oh well you can chill with us until you know go back home" said Nila.

Tamika pov
I woke up in the hospital I didn't remember anything that happened in last hour. I looked around to see mom but not dad "hey your woke" said my mom smiling "Yea I am , where everyone at" I asked "your dad went to go look for your sister" she said "what happened why am I here? And why does me head hurt" I said "well when me and your dad came in the house we saw you lying on the floor unconscious and bleeding" she said "oh Yea I remember, me and India was fighting and all I remember was her hitting me over the head"I said lien not saying why she hit my in the head. "Well it's okay baby your dad is looking for her now "said my mom .

India pov

As me and my friends was walking I saw my dad car pull up "oh shit" I said he got out the car and snatched me up throwing me in the car. "Where the hell you been "he yelled starting the car up . "Hanging with my friends" I said smartly "while your sister lays up unconscious in a hospital room" he yelled "well if I didn't hit her in the head I would be layed up dead, not like you care" I said "what do you mean dead?"he said pulling up to the hospital "well she was choking me talking about I ruined the family " I said as we walked to in the hospital. "Well when we get up there we will talk about it" he said walking into the hospital room baby your back and your okay" said my mom hugging my dad "exactly why I didn't wanna come back" I said turning to walk out. "Wait we gonna talk this out as a real family" said my dad "ard w.e " I said sitting down..

hope you enjoyed the first two chapters xoxox~Kayla

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