Chapter 4; The Blow up

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Disclaimer; I do not own the Hunger Games or any of the Hunger Games characters, I only own my characters and the timeline
Prim's POV
Finnick and I sit at the side of the lake and look out into the vast terrain of nothingness.

"There's something going on you know?"
He asks after a while,
I nod, I've noticed it too.
"The tightness in security, more cops, but they're not cops. They're dressed in all white, and they seem more violent."
I whisper,  I look to him and he nods.
"They kinda look like the Peace keepers from our history books."
Now that I think about it, they do look a lot like that
"Yeah, they kinda do."
I mutter, more to myself than to him.
"Why do you think they've come here?"
He asks,
I shrug and then grab my phone from the tree where we put our stuff earlier, I sigh.
We have almost been gone for an hour, people will start to wonder where Finn is.
"We gotta go back."
I whisper.
He looked over my shoulder at the time but nodded.
We started walking back.
We decided to take the long way. I walk to the hollowed stump where a bow and arrow has been kept since before I was born.
It always fascinated me.
Finn bends down next to me smiling.
We look at each other for a second,
Then, we hear a crack.
I don't hesitate. I pull out the bow and arrow, and aim in front of us, but drop it immediately when I see who it is.
A very angry, dad looks down at Finn an I's barely dressed forms.
I drop the arrow and bow immediately.
"Shit." I muttered,

"Primrose Hazel Mellark, where have you been?"
He asks,
"Finnick go back to the house."
I whisper. He gives me an unsure look but nods.
He walks back towards the house leaving me to face my father alone.
I swallow hard.
I start, to mutter but he stops me,
"I cannot believe you, have I not told you over and over again that you are not to go into the woods without an adult."
He says tensely,
I narrow my eyes,
"Finn is an adult."
He laughs without humor.
"That boy is no more an adult than you are."
This made me upset.
"And I'm not an adult? It's not like mom and you have really taken much care of me for the last few years."
I yell at him.
He looks hurt but doesn't say anything else he just walks up to me and looks at my face for a second,
"Primrose, have you been fighting again?"
Shit, I forgot about the black eye,
"I don't know what your referring to, I haven't fought at all."
I try to play dumb, he doesn't seem convince.
The next thing I know he has flung me harshly over his shoulder,
Even though my dad only has one real leg, he's strong. Like really strong,
I kick and yell at him to put me down as he carries me back to our house.
It's feels so weird to be over his shoulder like this.
He hasn't carried me since I was like five, and not only that but I am in my bathing suit.
"Let me down! I can walk ya know!"
I yell,
He opens the front door with one hand and then slams it shut, he finally sets me down on the living room couch.
I cross my arms over my chest feeling exposed.
"Sit. Don't talk."
Dad says, I glare at him, but back down when I see that his hands are bunched up in fists.
It's happening.
The mood swings that I don't understand.
I decide to push forward.
"What is going on dad?"
I ask, tensely.
He ignores me.
"The peace keepers on the streets, the new president that no one knows much about."
I say bringing up something I read online a couple weeks ago,
"How long is it till they bring back the reaping?"
I ask,
"Prim, be quiet."
He says, the skin on his knuckles stretching even tighter across the bones.
"And Peeta gets reaped,
Or what about even worst,you and moms precious little sweet perfect Rue."
"I said be quiet!"
And then something happens that I never thought would happen in the history of ever.
My dad hits me.
My dad isn't a violent man so it's very shocking when I feel his hand slap me across the face.
Usually I can take a hit, but like I said, my dads strong, so the force of it makes me fall to the ground.
I feel the tears falling down my face even before I know I'm crying.
I can feel my cheek bleeding.
Realization creeps into his face,
"Prim I-"
"I'll tell you exactly what would happen!"
I scream as I stand up and back away from him,
"I'd volunteer! And no one would miss me!"
I run out of the room and out of the front door,
I can hear him yelling my name but I don't look back, I just run back into the forest.

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