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my eyes fluttered open
great, it was the first day back to school
i hated living in korea, i hated it
ever since me and my mom moved here
i barely slept
my mind kept replaying that night...
that night.
i showered quickly, threw my hair up and did some concealer, threw on leggings, a tanktop and cardigan along with hunter boots and ran out the door.

this was the first year i could drive myself to school so i took advantage of it, blasting my music on the 15 minute drive to hell
i pulled up and grabbed my coffee mug and as soon as i stepped out the door, i collided into someone and my coffee flew all over my cardigan, just fucking fantastic, i thought.
i looked up to meet eyes with a boy about my age, a couple inches taller and these gleaming hazel eyes. he looked very embarrassed to say the least. his cheeks painting a rose red on them. i giggled a little as he stuttered out.
"i am s-so sorry, oh my goodness."
i caught myself staring at his thin yet plump lips and perfectly aligned teeth
"it's alright, the cardigan was just for looks." i state.
he continued to blush, and held out a napkin for the messy coffee mug.
"um, my name's Hansol."
"hello!!! my name is Katie." i smiled and i could feel his eyes on my lips as the words came out.
"uh well, the bell's about to ring, i better get to first period. again, i'm really sorry about the coffee and your cardigan, i'll see you around Katie!"
i waved back and flashed a grin.

i locked up my car and smiled at the thought of the conversation i just had with this gorgeous boy. his blonde, side-parted hair was perfect and his deep yet child-like, raspy voice was beautiful. i wanted to know more about him. WAIT, i thought to myself, what are you talking about? you need to focus on school and stay away from these troublemaking boys. i ran to first period and entered the door, a couple minutes late, of course. i scanned the room and became a light red when i realized he was right there. Hansol. he was in my first period. "well hello Katie." said Mr. Roberts, the biology teacher. "you may have a seat next to our new student, Hansol."
i speed walked to my seat in the back of the class and leaned down to my bag, popped a piece of peppermint gum into my mouth.

"we meet again." says a familiar deep voice, behind me. i turned around to see a slight smirk on his face.
"mhm, so you're new, Hansol?"
"sure am, i just came from New York, my dad is half korean and my mom was willing to move here for my street casting."
streetcasting? i thought. was he a dancer or something?
"i'm a rapper." he spurred out.
"oh shit, really?" i smirked.
he nodded and looked at the board, jotting down notes.

the whole class was filled with me feeling his eyes on me and him smirking when i looked his way. the bell soon rang and we went off to the rest of the day.

at the end of the day, i spotted Hansol hanging out with a few of the jocks in the front of the school. we caught each other's eyes and grinned, i waved and he waved back.

i drove home and grabbed a snack before sitting in front of my mirror in my room. i didn't exactly like the way i looked. my dull auburn hair and freckles weren't the best. the only thing i really liked about myself were my emerald eyes and plump pink lips. i also liked my body. i learned to embrace my curvy figure.

*ding* i hear my phone light up with a text message.

-unknown number-
"hey you!"
who tf was this? i thought

"hey? who is this?"

"your favorite person, Hansol"
i smiled at my phone screen

"oh hi! how'd you get my number?"

"a friend of yours, i just wanted to have it incase you would like to go out with me to a cafe tomorrow afternoon?"

"yes!! of course i would :)"

"sounds like a plan, i'll pick you up after football practice! text me your address tomorrow, goodnight Katie."

"goodnight Hansol, sleep well."

i drifted off, thinking of the day and how miraculous tomorrow's events would be.

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