Chapter 16

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Liv's P.O.V

So, I was going to audition for a movie. I know it was a chance of a lifetime but I decided against it. I didn't want to be known as an actress. I wanted to be known as a writer or a singer. Could I do it? I don't know for sure. But I do know one thing for sure, I am going to go out there and audition for the X-Factor. I don't care, or really even want, for people to really know who I am. I'm not trying to prove to the world that I can sing. I am not looking for people's approval. I'm doing this for myself and only myself. So, I started practicing. I decided I was going to sing 'Limelight' by Rush for my audition. Rush is my favorite band and they deserve more recognition. I sat in my room and sang the song.

"Living on a lighted stage

Approaches the unreal

For those who think and feel

In touch with some reality

Beyond the gilded cage"

I stopped and made myself think about the lyrics. I've done this before but because I'm becoming so serious about singing I know one thing for sure. I want my songs to have meaningful lyrics unlike some of the crap people call music these days. This song is talking about normal people actually going out and pursuing their dreams. The chorus goes like this.

"Living in the limelight

The universal dream

For those who wish to seem

Those who wish to be

Must put aside the alienation

Get on with the fascination

The real relation the underlying dream"

He's saying that if you want to be in the limelight (which everyone does) you have to work for it. Not just sit and gawk at the people who actually do. You can wish you're like them all you want. But if you want to leave your mark on the world an actually do something with your life, like I do, you need to get off your butt and work for it. I swear, I will not leave this earth without inspiring people. I started again from where I left off.

"Cast in this unlikely role

Ill-equipped to act

With insufficient tact

One must put up barriers to keep oneself in tact


Living in a fisheye lens

Caught in the camera eye

I have no heart to lie

I can't pretend this stranger is a long awaited friend


All the worlds a stage indeed

We are merely players

Performers and portrayers

Each another's audience beyond the

Lighted stage"

(A/N I hate when people put the full song and I already put a lot.. If you are interested in the actual song LOOK IT UP)

I think I have a good chance of winning this thing....

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Soo, this chapter is done. Sorry I didn't put Ryan in this chapter I jus had an idea and I needed to write it. I didn't even care what time it was/is and if you were wondering its 12:48 am right now and I'm writing cuz I had an idea. So yeah here ya go! Ok love you all bye!

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