Chapter 14

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Your POV

I got down on my knees and opened up my arms for Lilly to run into. She happily did.
"Hi, mama!" I hugged her tightly.
"Hi, Lilly! When did you guys get here?"
"Yesterday. We were staying right above you!" I laughed at her and heard a couple of 'awwws' from the audience. I looked up to see Jake standing backstage. He was just smiling wide at me. I sat back down in my chair and put Lilly in my lap.
"Lilly, is there anything you want to say to the audience?" I pointed my headset at her.
"Hi, everybody! My name's Lillian Elizabeth (l/n), and I'm four years old!" More awwws came from the crowd. Lilly turned towards the rest of the gang.
"Can I stay out here with everyone?" They all looked at each other.
"I don't see why not." Bob stated.
"I'd say ask your mother." Ken suggested.
"Can I, mama?" I didn't even have to think about my answer.
"Of course you can, baby." A lot of cheers came from the crowd. We just smiled. After a few questions, another girl on the right side of the stage came up.
"Hi. I was wondering if I could give my gift to (y/n)?"
"Sure." I started to get up when she said "actually, I have a gift for both you and your daughter." I looked at Lilly, who just took my hand and started to walk with me. We reached the girl, gave her a hug, and got matching bracelets from her. Lilly put hers on right away. I did so with mine as well. We went back to our chair hand in hand. After we sat back down, more questions were asked. After half a hour, and after Wade failed to do a cartwheel, Mark suddenly asked the audience a very... how should I say it? Delicate question.
"Does anybody have a.... question..... they'd like to ask somebody? He kept making gestures with his hands, making it seem like someone was to open a small box, like proposing. Of course, no one actually popped the question. Not like I was expecting anyone to, since it would be in front of thousands of people. Mark stood in front of the coffee table in the middle of the stage. He looked dissapointed.
"Fine. If no one wants to pop the question, then I guess I will." At first, I didn't understand what he meant. Then he turned towards me and got down on one knee. The whole auditorium went dead silent.
"(Y/n) (m/n) (l/n). I've known you personally for over a year now, but it feels as though I've known you a lifetime. When I first found you on YouTube, I have to admit, I thought you were pretty good. Watching them only made me smile more with each one. Eventually, I fell in love with your voice, your face, your personality. You could make me smile anytime I would watch a video. After actually meeting you, I knew I was in love. You're one of the nicest, sweetest, most fun-loving people I've ever met. You've made every day just a little bit brighter since we started dating a year ago. We've been through good times and bad times. And watching you and Lilly together, I've seen one of the best mother and daughter relationships anyone could ever have. I've realized that that is what I love seeing everyday. I love waking up to the smell of you and Lilly cooking downstairs. I love seeing both of your bright and shining smiles every day. Your pain has become my pain. If I could, I would spend eternity with both of you. I now know that I want to spend the rest of my life with both of you, so I will ask this question." He pulled out the small box and opened it, revealing a small ring. "(Y/n), will you marry me?" By now, tears were pouring out of my eyes. You could hear a pin drop in the auditorium. I set Lilly down in the chair and walked over to Mark. Then I kneeled down in front of him and kissed him. He was shocked at first, but then kissed me back. As soon as we parted, he asked "so, I take it that's a yes?"
"Yes. I will marry you, dumbass."
"Good." He slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me again. Tons of applause erupted from the crowd.
Lilly walked over to us.
"So mama and papa are getting married now?" She asked.
"Yes, Lilly. Mama and papa are getting married."
"Can I be the flower girl?!?"
"Yes, Lilly. You can be the flower girl." Mark said. Lilly tackled him to the floor.
"Thank you, papa!" She said while giving him a bear hug. We all got up and sat back down in our spots. People were still clapping as we sat down. He kissed me one more time before we went back to answering questions. Finally, we got down to the last person in line. It looked like a man, but I couldn't see their face. He had a black hoodie on with the hood up. It almost seemed like he didn't want us to see his face. He stepped up to the microphone very slowly.
"Yeah, I got a question." He started to say. His voiced seemed very familiar.
"Alright, what's your question?"
"My question is... why don't you get your ass home?" He pulled down his hood to show me the face I never wanted to see again. It was my father. He came back for me again. I don't want to go back. Lilly was sitting in Mark's lap when I shot out of my seat. My father quickly pointed a handgun into the air and made some shots ring out, causing a mass panic. All the fans ran out of the auditorium. I was kind of glad that they did, though. At least no one else would get hurt. Jake ran out from backstage and stood in front of me.
"Get out of here!" He shouted at our father.
"Step out of the way, Jake. Your sister's the one I want."
"Well your not getting her. Your gonna have to get past me first."
"And me." Mark stood in front of me as well. I looked around to find Lilly, only to see her hiding behind me left leg. One by one, the guys all stood in front of me and Lilly.
"Guys...." Dad was scowling at all of them.
"I have my ways to get her." He aimed the gun at all of us, then lowered it a little bit. I followed his aim, only to have myself be horrified. He was aiming the gun at Lilly.

That's a wrap on chapter 14! What's gonna happen to you and Lillian?!? Only way to find out is to read the next chapter. Go ahead and leave comments it you want to, and I will see you all in the next chapter! Later lovelies!

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