Chapter 16

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Your POV

Once again, I woke up to a beeping sound and blinding lights. The only difference this time is that there were soft whispers around me, and someone was holding my hand. My eyes slowly opened. The first person I saw was Lilly. She was laying down next to me. I'm suprised I didn't even notice. She looked up at me after I moved my arm a little, so I could hold her better. She just smiled at me and rested her head on my shoulder. Mark noticed I moved, as he was the one holding my hand.
"Hey. Nice to see you awake."
"Nice to be awake. I'm gonna guess that that wasn't a dream."
"No. It wasn't." I closed my eyes to relax some more. I was just glad it was finally over.
"So that means the part where you proposed was...?"
"Yep. That was real." He leaned down and kissed me.
"When you two are done flirting..." I looked over to see Jake standing there with Felix almost laughing. Lilly threw something at them. It was one of her stuffed animals. I looked over to see that she also had Tiny Box Tim with her too. She noticed that I was looking at her.
"What?" She asked. "I'm not gonna throw Tim. He's been keeping you safe. Plus I would never harm him!" I hugged her lightly. She hugged me right back. The doctor stepped in. It was the same one I had before: Dr.Dagin.
"Hello, (y/n)."
"Hello, Dr.D." He looked through a few papers on his clipboard.
"It's going to be a bit longer before you get out of here this time, since it was bullet wounds you suffered from, but knowing you, you'll still pull a quick recovery. I'll let you get back to resting, and I'll also come back later to check in on you." He left the room.
"Well, at least I'll get out of here within a few days."
"Yeah. That's a good thing." Jake stated, then finished with "as soon as you are better and out of here, you owe me a water balloon battle!"
"When it's warmer, dumbass. When it's warmer." He just smiled at me. We talked for a few hours before everyone had to leave.
"We'll be back after visiting hours begin." Mark told me. He kissed me softly. Then Lilly climbed onto the bed and gave me Tim.
"He'll keep you safe while we're gone." She kissed my forehead, and in return, I kissed hers as well. They left, and I was bored. All I could do was watch TV and wait for them to come back in the morning. After a bit, I fell asleep. A few days later, I was let out of the hospital, but I had to take it easy. As promised, when it was a bit warmer out, Jake and I had our water balloon fight. The rest of the gang actually joined in after a few minutes. It was a lot of fun. After we got changed out of our soaked clothes, all of us girls began to talk about mine and Mark's engagement. They were happy for me, but really excited at the same time. They kept trying to get out of me what I wanted to do, but I wanted to plan this out with Mark. When everyone left and Lilly was in bed, we started to talk about it. We decided something traditional and simple. We only wanted people close to us be there, so we invited close family members, and our closest friends. It was simple, yet it fit us perfectly. Over the next few months, we bought some things to help with the setup for the wedding. The girls took me and Lilly dress shopping. I chose a sleeveless dress with a creative design on it. Lilly chose a simple dress that had a bow on the back of it. While they were doing that with us, Mark was with the boys, getting their tuxedos. I honestly couldn't wait for the wedding to come, but that was still a little ways off. The days passed by, and right now me, Mark, and Lilly are all watching disney movies. I looked down at Lilly, only to see that she was already asleep in our laps. I smiled and looked at Mark. He noticed I was looking at him and smiled.
"She looks so cute when she's asleep."
"Yes. Yes she does. She reminds me of you."
"She reminds me of you when she's awake, Mark."
"Just cause she acts like both of us."
"Oh, be quiet. After living with us this long, it's only natural that she's come to act like both of us."
"That's true. But it's still cute." I smiled and kissed and kissed him. Then I carefully picked Lilly up and carried her off to bed. After she was tucked in, I joined Mark on the couch once again. He put me in his lap and held me close.
"I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you too, Mark." We watched movies for a while longer before we went to bed. I slept peacefully that night, knowing that I didn't have to worry about my father anymore. After a week, my father's funeral was held. My brother and I were the only two who went. He was our father, even if we did hate his guts. The ceremony didn't last long, but I was smiling the entire time. So was Jake. The pastor didn't understand why, but that was because he didn't understand what we went through growing up. As soon as he was buried in the ground, we left. I was smiling the entire way home. I didn't even notice that I had some tears coming out of my eyes as I walked in the door of my own house. Lilly notice and ran up to me.
"What's wrong, mama?" She asked. I picked her up and said "nothings wrong. Mama's just really happy." I kissed her forehead. She didn't understand why I was happy, but Mark did. The reason why I was happy? It's because I was finally free. I was finally free from my father, like I had dreaming of for so long. I think that would make anyone happy.

That's a wrap on chapter 16! Go ahead and leave comments if you want to, and I will see you all in the next chapter! Later lovelies!

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