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As the only person in my dorm without massive hangover, I had somehow gotten unanimously elected as the official servant.

"Katie," Hannah moaned from the couch where she was curled up in fetal position.

"What?" I couldn't help the exasperation in my voice as I replied.


"Get your own aspirin. I'm writing a paper."

Hannah groaned before turning over. "You're never any fun, Katie. It's the least you can do since you're fine while I'm dying over here."

I rolled my eyes. "You know you could always just not drink and then you wouldn't be in this situation," I suggested.

"That wouldn't be any fun," Hannah muttered, somewhat muffled by her pillow.

"Actually, I'm having a ton of fun right now," I contradicted her.

She groaned louder. "Just give me the aspirin Katie."

Without responding, I grabbed the bottle off the counter and chucked it at her. She grunted a little as it hit her stomach before unscrewing the cap and gulping down a couple pills.

I shut my laptop and grabbed my coat off the hook. I was never going to finish this paper if I stayed here.

Katie!" Monica hollered from her room. "Can you bring me some water?"

"Sorry!" I yelled, not the least apologetic. "I'm heading to the library. I can't."

I quickly rushed out the door before anyone found a reason to keep me from leaving.

On the bus, my mind was running a marathon as it had time to go through the events of last night. It didn't feel real. How could I now be in a "relationship" with an all but stranger that just happened to be my brother's best friend?

It seemed like the kind of thing that only happened in the movies, but somehow it had happened to goody-two-shoes, boring old Katie.

Did I regret agreeing to Liam's crazy scheme? Maybe a little bit, but I was mostly just excited. It had been a long time since I'd made a decision so impulsively and I'll be honest: it felt great.

Plus, I'll admit that I'm looking forward to telling the world that I have a boyfriend and seeing their jaws metaphorically hit the floor in shock. Especially since Liam is not necessarily a bad looking guy and he had this air about him that screams 'I'm cool!". No one expects a guy like him to be with a girl like me and I was excited to blow their minds.

The bus lurched to a stop, and last minute I realized that I needed to get off. I dashed down the aisle and the steps, a light breeze hitting me as I exited the bus.

Snow had stopped falling a few hours previous and the streets had this wintery and inviting feeling to them from the white snow that blanketed them.

My first stop was Starbucks for a caramel latte. Apparently everyone else had the same idea as me, seeing as the line nearly stretched to the door, but being in the pleasant mood that I was, I didn't mind too much.

On the way out of Starbucks I opened Pandora and selected a classical music station before putting in my earbuds and walking the last block to the library.

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