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He sneaks into your room at night

A/N: I know I said J-Hope was next but I'm still working on his. But here's a Jimin imagine to make it up to you.

The whole room was dark but the glow of your laptop.  It was the middle of the night and while your parents were down stairs sleeping, you were in your room looking through tumblr. 

You then heard tapping at your window. You got off the bed, tiptoed out of the bed and turned your light on. You slowly walked to the window and opened it.

There stood your best friend Jimin in a white tshirt and leather jacket smiling.

"Jimin? What are you doing here? It's the middle of the night" you yelled but not so loud that your parents would hear you.

"What are you doing on your laptop?" she sassed and crossed his arms. "I'm coming up" he said climbing the tree nest to your window.

As soon as he got up you saw that he had a busted lip and bruised knuckles.

"Oh my God! Are you ok? What happen?" you said running into your bathroom. You grabbed a rag and and wetted it with cool water. 

When you came back Jimin was shirtless and was sitting on your bed. I know your probably got 'OMG his abs' or 'he's so hot'. But you have seen him shirtless many times. It wasn't a really big deal.

But a huge black bruised was on one of his sides. You sat next to him as he tried to slide over to make room. He hissed in pain.

"What happened?" you placed the rag on his bottom lip. He took the rag and placed it again on his lip. 

"Let's just say I saw your boyfriend kissing another girl. And I beaten the crap out of him. For doing that to you. Mistreating you like that. I'd never treat you like that" he said softly.

"What?" you said shocked.

But the next thing you knew his body fell in yours and pushed you more to the bed. His lips crashed into yours and his hand griped you hips. Your legs wrapped around his hips and your hands rested on his skin toned abs. You kissed back and soon as you did he kissed you harder. His kisses went down your neck. Gently kissing it. Your fingers pulled his hair as he groaned.

He pulled away from you and breathed "I love you (y/n). I always have ever since freshman year. And I can treat you so much better than he ever could've. Please be mine". He then gave you a long peck on you lips.

You crashed your lips on his to kiss him again. You pushed him to were you both were now sitting up without breaking the kiss.

"Yes" you said after pulling away from the kiss. "I love you" you whispered.

"I love you more" he said then kissed you forehead.

You yawned and your eyes started to get heavy. He kissed you nose as you giggled. 

"Getting sleepy?" he softly said. You nodded.

"Want me to stay for the night?" You nodded.

"Cuddle?" You nodded again and smiled.

You got into the bedsheets as so did Jimin. You rested your head on his bar chest and kissed his shoulder. He gently kissed your forehead. And rested his head on the side of yours. Before you fell asleep he whispered in your ear "Goodnight agi".

And right then you fell asleep. 

Hoped you like this imagine. Please vote and comment and I will post again soon :)

~ Cassie :D

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