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Telling Yoongi your pregnant

For my best friend Alouis_Jordanson

There it sat on the sink. The pregnancy test. For weeks after Yoongi came home for a break, you had headaches, stomach problems, and etc.

You knew something wasn't right when you found out your period was late. And there was the proof on the sink. You actually took a lot but they were all positive.

But Yoongi was on tour and won't home for another month or two.

For a couple of days you thought of ways to tell him. You wanted it to be a big surprise. His birthday was coming soon. That would be a good idea.

You then thought of a way. You would send home the test and a note saying not to open it until the next time you face time.


It had been since yesterday when you sent him the package. Not only did it have the test. It had cute little baby to go with it. To give him a little idea.

You where watching a movie when your phone ringed. It was Yoongi face time calling you.

"Hey agi" he waved and smiled.

"Hey sweetie did get the package sent you?"

"Yes I did. Want me to open it now?"

"Yes you can" you giggled getting excited.

You saw him open it, he looking a the baby stuff with a weird face.

"Agi? You know I'm a grown man right?" He laughed.

"Look what's in the little box" you pointed out to him.

You then saw him open it. He stared at it for a bit. He put it down gently and covered his face with his hands. His hands rubbed his face.

"Yoongi?" You ask concerned.

He removed his hands from his face. His face was red having little tears.

"This better not be joke. Or I'm going to get mad" he chuckled a little.

"No Yoongi. This is not a prank. I'm pregnant! We're having a baby!" You cheered.

He smiled but then cried a little again.

"Agi, why are you crying?" You tried not to laugh.

"I-I'm j-just s-so happy (y/n). I'm so happy I don't know what to say. If you were here right now, I'd kiss you death".

You giggled. You the heard a door open in the background of Yoongi's side of the phone.

"Suga? Dude what's wrong?" Jin said hugging him.

"Hey (y/n)" Namjoon waved.

"Wait what's that?" Jimin said picking the test up.

"Oh my God! (y/n)'s pregnant!" Kookie and J-Hope yelled and cheered.

"We're going to be uncles!" V screamed.

They all then hugged Yoongi.

You giggled. "Happy early Birthday Yoongi" you said smiling.

"Thank you (y/n) this is the bat birthday gift ever. I love you agi".

"I love you too Yoongi".

9 months later you gave birth to a baby boy.

Hoped you liked this imagine please vote and comment for more and next will be Kookie. Thank you :)

~ Cassie :D

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