In a small town named Vicksburg, a young girls lived happily with her family. She was an only child, and the joy of her parents lives. They enjoyed seeing her chocolate brown eyes light up when ever she smiled, her adorable grin reached across her entire face. This girls name was Allison. Allison loved her life. One of her favorite things was going on long walks with her mommy, holding hands and skipping down the sidewalk the whole way. Another was sitting on her daddy's lap eating ice cream while they chat about everything under the sun.
Allison was a smart little girl, and even though she was only four years old, she knew how to count to twenty-five, say her ABC's and ride her bike around the block. She enjoyed the bike ride a lot because she would ride around the whole block, and when she would ride up the driveway to their home, her dad would always be there to congratulate her with a hug bear hug and encouraging words.
Allison and her family were the epitome of a perfect, happy family. But one day all of their lives changed suddenly.
On a bright and sunny day in the middle of July, Allison decided to go for a bike ride. She jumped up off of the couch that she was sitting on and announced to her mom, "I'm going for a bike ride."
Her mom replied saying, "Have fun honey, and don't forget to wear your helmet."
Allison smiled at her mom and ran out the front door, laughing the whole way. She walked to the side of their home and pulled hard on the big barn door. Her first attempt failed, so she pulled again harder, and the door came swinging open with a creak revealing the cluttered storage inside.
After climbing over a few lawn mowers, Allison stood on a stool and grabbed her bright pink helmet off of the wall. Then she jumped down and made her way over to her bike.
When the bike was wheeled out into the front yard, it sparkled in the sunlight. The streamers hanging from the handles floated and glistened in the wind.
Allison walked her bike onto the driveway and lifted one leg over the seat, then put her foot on the pedal, and took off at a rapid speed. She looked back as she turned out of the driveway and caught a glimpse of her mom watching her through the porch window. They exchanged waves and then Allison was off on her journey.
She sped down the sidewalk for a few minutes before finally making a turn onto a dirt path that wound through the woods. She slowed her pace so as not to skid and fall over on the sand.
Everywhere she looked there were pretty flowers and green trees until she turned her attention back to the ground in front of her. She looked at the tracks that the various animals had made, and was surprised to see tracks of a dog. Then, looking up, her eyes took notice of a great big dog standing directly in her path.
She continued riding, expecting the dog to move out of the way, but it stood it's ground causing Allison to slow to a halt. "Move puppy," she told the dog in her impatient voice. The dog only barked at her.
Next, a man stepped out onto the path, "I'm sorry miss, is my dog in your way?" he spoke with a bit of amusement in his voice.
"Yes. Make him move please." Allison responded politely.
"I'm afraid I can't do that," he announced as he took two large steps towards her.
"Why not?" she asked pleadingly.
He didn't respond, instead he took another giant step towards her, and his dog crouched and went flying at Allison. In two large leaps it had reached her bike, and it pounced on her, tipping her and her bike over.
She landed with one leg trapped underneath her bike. Tears flooded her eyes as she kicked frantically in an attempt to get her leg out from underneath.
Before she could stand up, the dog attacked again, biting her small arm and scratching her face. At this the tears she had been holding back streamed down her face. She looked up desperately, pleading with the man to help her, but he only laughed at her and called the dog to his side. Then he took her bike and kicked into the brush.
"Your a pretty little girl, and your coming with me," said the man as he walked over to her, picking her up and carrying her off the path, into the woods.
She kicked and screamed, but his grip was too strong, and his hand was covering her mouth.
The man remained calm as he continued walking. Finally, they reached the edge of the woods and he checked to make sure nobody was around. When he was satisfied, he dashed across the street to a little sports car with tinted windows. He tied her up and shoved her into the back, then jumped into the drivers seat and took off down the bumpy road.
After every thud she could hear the soft airy chuckle of her captor as he drove her farther and father from the safety of her home.
Authors Note
So, what do you think? Is it worth continuing? Any feedback would be great! Thanks for reading!