First Party/Kiss? (part 1)

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 I've been texting the new guy Bryan back and forth all threw class, and you wanna know why? Mostly because he has been trying to get me to go out with him this Friday or trying to get me to go to his friends party.

S=Sydney B=Bryan

B: So witch one will u go to? Or will u go to both?

S: Idk why are u even asking me? There are millions of other girls u know.

B: Hmm idk myb cuz ur pretty? So witch 1 is it my lady?

S: My lady? Rlly thats the best u can come up with?

B: Yea why u wanna b called shortcake?

S: Um just stick with my lady thats fine. XD

B: Though so.. how long does it usallly take u to decide? 

S: It will take me even longer if im being rush.

B: Geez calm down dont get panties in a twist...

S: Ok? and I would like to go to the party.

B: Sounds good. Btw since its almost halloween its a costume party and u already decided so no take backs.

S: Geez u could have told me that before i decided! MORON!

B: Well u dont have to b all mean about it geez. And ill pick u up at 7:30

S: Fine. But use ur venom care so i actually arrive in style.

B: Someone likes to b in style even when shes not in school. (wink wink)

S: Well anyways ill see or text u at lunch. ~ . ^

B: Bye bye my lady.

After that whole texting session of deciding what i was going to do between go on a date or party? I decided that going to the party with Bryan would be somewhat like a date right? I really hope so because i dont feel like choosing the date. Besides I'm busy on Friday night anyways because I have a street race and its HIGHLY important that i attend it. Mostly becuase if I dont they will kick me off of the top ranking #1! and i cant afford that!


After the long week past and it was Saturday morning i decided I should probably go get a costume for the party tonight. So I texted Rachel instead of Meghan to because she is going throw puberty right now and right now i dont feel like dealing with her. Owe and did I mention she will be at the party tonight?! I texted Rachel and she came 5mins later to pick me up and leave and so we left and wet to Spirit Halloween for a adorbs Halloween costume.

I have decided to go with a adorable anime from this anime i used to watched called Toradora.

Rachel and I spent 2 hours at Spirit Halloween picking out our costumes. Rachel was going as a vampire queen. She keep trying on every costume on the racks it was crazy and the workers looked at her like she was crazy. Though i think they were happy to see us leave.

:night of the party:

It's the night of the party and me and Rachel are getting ready since Meghan is already there. Probably already dancing with Blake seeming this is at Blake's house. Blake is one of the bad boys also he is part of Bryan's group. There is also Teddy also part of Bryan's group and it seems like they already knew each other when he got to our school. There is a rumor going around that Bryan used to go to our school till he had to move for like 3 years but i honestly dont believe the rumors a lot of the time.


We finally get to the party and its already packed and it started like 15mins ago. I must say im impressed right now. Rachel and I see Meghan walking around clumsily our direction. Thats when Rachel and I must have been thinking the same thing because we both ran over to her and helped her stand up straight. '' Rachel could u take Meghan home?'' '' Yea sure text me if anything happens while im gone and i will come back right away. I should only be gone for about 15 to 20 minutes and please dont get into any trouble like the last time we came to a party like this. I'll text you when im on my way back got it?'' '' yea yea i wont get into any trouble just hurry up and get Meghan home already. Bye Rachel.'' I said in a annoyed tone.

'' Look who finally got here! '' I turned around to see Bryan semi stumbling semi being able to walk. '' Yea im here and? '' He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in, but I pushed away before i got to close and turned and walked inside to get something to drink. I walked in and all eyes turned to me. I will admit I like attention but not this much attention and i just suddenly felt the urge to yell at them but i didnt and just flipped them off and continued to walk on.

I grabbed a sprite out of the fridge and walked around trying to find a quiet place to wait for Rachel and right has I was about to head oout into the front yard i hear '' FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT '' coming from the living room. I walk in and see that Bryan is beating up one of the new kids that just got here. I can only tell he is new because I was the one who had to show him around the school today. Such a fun time today. Note the sarcasm.


hey guys! this is kinds of a 2-3 part chapter plz enjoy it! And yes i know its past halloween but screw it. Lets have some fun with Halloween once again! and sorry to say this but Sydney does not drink. I have a feeling ur going to love the next chapter!

sneak peek: '' would you just shut up and do the dare already Rachel and Sydney?! We dont got all night! '' '' Well actually we have all night! So just shut ur little mouth Bryan! ''

You guys are going to love it!





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