Chapter Four

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The morning rays are brighter than usual as they shine so bright they make me turn over. As I turn over I feel something missing. Lily.

"Lily, Abby?"

"Here," says Abby walking into the room holding Lily.

"She woke up not a moment before you so I tried to keep her company. Breakfast is ready as well."

"Yes. A decent meal. I'm starving."

Getting out of the bed I stretch and walk to the closet. I pull out a peach top and blue skinny jeans. I was lucky to also find a pair of peach flats.

Going to the bathroom I rid myself of the pajamas and put on the outfit I just picked out.

Looking into the mirror I could barely recognize myself. My skin was bright and light which complemented my jet black natural long hair. And if that didn't make me look strange I'm sure my light gray eyes did.

"Ava your food is going to get cold," shouts Abby.

Cutting off the light I head to the kitchen where I see a plate fully loaded.

"Bacon, sausage, eggs, grits, and biscuits. Somebody pinch me," I joke.

"Yeah ha, ha, ha. Now hurry up and eat so we can get ready to head out. I'm going to see what all we can pack for Lily."

I nod my head to Abby because I was to busy chewing. I felt like crying is how great the food taste and Abby isn't even that great of a cook. Then again it was my first decent meal in a while.

With Abby packing and me finishing my breakfast, I decide to go look around.

I see a book case covered with books and dust. From the looks of it they had to have been spell books.


Every last book was a spell book and seemed to be easy, basic spells. Searching through more books I find a picture of Rose. Taking it out its frame I fold it and place it in my pocket.

"Ready?" asks Abby as she walks into the room with two bags in hand.

"Pack these books. They can be of use for the future."

"Why can't you do it?"

"Because I'm to busy being lazy."

Grabbing Lily out of  Abby's hand I slightly throw her into the air making her laugh.

"How will we carry her?"

"Simple. I stretch my legs. Besides its been a while since I felt who I truly was."

"Are you sure?"

"Just hold Lily. Strap her to my back. Easy and simple," I say undressing.

Kneeling down I groan in pain as my bones begin to pop out of place and form into what I truly was. A werewolf.

My pure red fur was neatly coated as my wolf was bigger than most. Abby did as was told and straps Lily in a seat and straps the seat to me.

When Abby opens the door the suns rays are even brighter. Abby allows me to walk out first and closes the door behind her. Once the door was closed Abby takes off running as I slowly run behind her.

As if it was a constant thing, I look over my shoulders to see if Lily was okay. And she always ways. She was either laughing at the sky or touching my fur. To think it was a baby's first time seeing a werewolf and she was happy.

I've always been a werewolf. I was born one. I never got the chance to ask my mother how that came to be, but I deal with it. A witch/ werewolf. I was always curious as to how that was because nobody mixed breeds. Vampires hated everyone's guts, wolves hated them, and witches were in the middle.

"Stop," says Abby making me stop quickly.

I look back at Lily to find her asleep. Satisfied with her asleep I pay attention to Abby. She was standing with a smile as wide as a river.

Abby looks back at me as if she was a kid and says "We made it. We're back!"

I walk forward and peek through the bush and stare at the enormous bricked building.

We're back.

Abby walks to my back and unbuckles Lily and then her seat. I shift back into human form and get my clothes out of the bag. Taking Lily from her hand, she holds the seat and the bags. I didn't feel sorry for that. She really never allows me to hold anything for to long. She says she my protector and does her duty.

We walk up the the wooden door that was built for a giant. Knocking on the door it slowly opens. Pushing the door back I hold it open for Abby. See I'm not that much of an ass.

Abby puts everything down as two woman run to us.

"Ava and Abby are back!" They shout in unison.

"Easy on the yelling guys," I growl rocking Lily.

"Gasp a baby," says one of the women. She has light skin with a minor tan as her red hair matched. She was about 5'4 and has green eyes. The funny thing is that the other girl looks exactly like her only she has blue eyes. They where twins. Carly and Carla.

"I want to hold it, I want to hold it," squeals Carly. Her green eyes showed sadness but I didn't care.

"Let them breath," says Carla.

"You two go to your rooms at once," says a powerful voice.

Carly and Carla look with worrying eyes and walk away.

My teeth grind together at the person before me. Her name is Viola. She has short black hair, black eyes, and wore black of course. She stood at 5'6 and her pale skin makes her look freakishly unappealing. She is the queen bitch of this Academy, and the head mistress.

"You were to arrive yesterday, and now your a day late. Explain."

"You sent me on a mission that nearly got me killed. What else is there to explain," I say bluntly.

"And I see you brought back a souvenir. How.... lovely."

"She's my niece."

"I don't give a damn who she is. You weren't back on time which means you are suspended from any missions for a year."

"A year. Are you kidding me. You can't do that," I say stepping to her.

"I can do whatever I please. That is why I'm head mistress. Now go to your room and I don't want to see your face until a year has gone by. Better yet make that two."

"Your a bitch," I laugh.

Her face hardens and her jaw line tightened. Gosh she's like a man.

"Abby get her out of my face before I have her out of here for good," she says walking away.

As she walks away from me I wanted to run behind her and rip her head off. She always looked down to me and makes my life a living hell because of who and what I was.

Abby picks up the bags and gives me a "please don't do anything stupid" look. Rolling my eyes I hold Lily close and walk the long halls of the Witch Academy.




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