Bright Lights

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  Phil found himself at that strip club, Preston's, at least once a week. He didn't like it, hell, he hated it. But apparently Pj was hitting it off really well with a stripper in the non-VIP section, and Phil didn't want to ruin the fun like he always had. He had to do this for his friend. Not only to keep him happy, but to keep him safe as well. There was a lot of creepy old guys there and even though Pj was 26, just two years younger than Phil, he still felt pretty protective over him.
  One calmer night when Jade whatever-his-name-was wasn't performing, Phil decided to have a couple of drinks. He deserved this, he had been here 4 times without nothing but a few shots each time.
  He had a vodka with salt and 2 shots, and was feeling a bit queazy. But, Phil had seen those gross moldy bathrooms and those would just worsen his sickness. Phil stumbled over to the bright red curtain on the other side of the room, and tripped into the brightly lit area.
  The first thing Phil noticed was it was a lot cleaner in here. A lot nicer. Better lighting. Phil smiled to himself, looking at the gold colored tables and chairs, and a small mini bar in the corner. There were four fuzzy white doors and one black door in the back of the room.
  "Pretty," Phil awed, leaning his head back and looking at the blurry bright lights.
  Phils stomach reminded him of why he came here in the first place. Bathroom. Phil stammered to the back into one of the fuzzy doors with a gold nob and stumbled in, almost falling over.
  Phil finally focused his eyes onto a old man, maybe in his late 40s, sitting in a red cushioned chair with gold legs. On top of him was the boy. The one everyone came to see. The young, pretty one. He was straddling the older man in his chair.
  "Oh, wow," Phils head tipped back again as he stepped away, "Jade," Phil remembered the boys name.
  Dan stood up almost immediately after he saw the drunken man in the doorway. He looked down, embarrassed. He didn't know why he was embarrassed. He never got embarrassed. Maybe it was the mans piercing blue eyes or how his jet black hair was pushed to the left or how you could make out his collar bones through his button up shirt. He was gorgeous.
  Dan pulled himself together and strutted towards the man, seductively putting a hand on his chest. "Hey, big boy," Dan bit his lip, looking up at the man with big eyes, "wanna dance?" Dans hand crawled up to cradle the back of Phils neck.
  Phil looked at the boy in front of him. He kind of felt gross in a way, the boy looked so young. Was this the appeal? Was every gay man in London a pedo? Phil glanced behind the boy to see the grey haired man glaring at him, still sitting in his chair.
  "Maybe you should finish Grandpas dance first," Phil lightly and playfully pushed Dans shoulder.
  Dan felt embarrassed again, and this time Phil could tell. Phil understood well why too. The man Jade was seducing could easily be his own father.
  Dan snapped out of it once more. "Well, actually, we could finish up if you-"
  "I was looking for a bathroom," Phil stated in a lower voice, both extremely uninterested in Jade and extremely needing to use the restroom.
  Dans face turned to a pout as he was genuinely sad that the handsome man had turned him down. "Well, the VIP bathrooms are really only for VIP paying costumers only," Dan said, trying to lure the boy. Not that he even wanted the money. This man was just so stunning.
  "I'm going to throw up," Phil warned Dan. Dan would've probably let the Phil use the VIP restroom regardless if he paid or needed to throw up anyway, due to Phils charm. Dan led Phil out into the main room and passed all the fuzzy doors to the black door.
  "Here you are," Dan said, trying to hold back the sorrow in his voice as he slowly walked back to the wrinkly man in his room.
  Meanwhile, Phil puked up the alcohol he drank and sat in the stall for about 20 more minutes before leaving the restroom. However, he couldn't leave the VIP room. It was quieter, nicer, calmer in here. Phil took a seat at one of the small gold tables.
  Just as he took a seat, a different man walked out of Jades room, this time a bit older than Phil. Then followed by a messy haired Jade.
  The other man left the room. Dan and Phil were alone. "Do you feel better, champ?" Dan asked, smiling brightly at the older man. How does someone look so pretty after puking?
  "Don't call me champ, you're like 16 years old," Phil laughed.
  "I'm 24, thanks," Dan snapped.
  "You're 24? You look so young," Phil mumbled, seeing stars.
  "It brings the men in," Dan remarked, "men like you. Are you sure you don't want a dance?"
  "No, thanks, I'm not a pedophile," Phil ran a hand through his fringe, looking up at the boy. He was cute, he wouldn't deny that.
  "How old are you?" Dan persisted.
  "That's less of an age difference than me and most of my men," Dan informed Phil.
  "That's sad," Phil sympathized. "I mean, sorry that was rude. Each to their own. You enjoy this job, eh?"
  "Yes, very much," Dan answered, not offended.
  Phil looked down and blushed, not knowing why. "That's great."
  Phils phone buzzed in his pocket. Phil picked it up and read a text from Pj that he wanted to go.
  "I'll see you la-" Phil began to slur, but realized Jade had already left.

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