Kagami x Reader

430 11 2

"Box out!!" Hyuuga, the captain, yelled.

Seirin's basketball team is having a practice game with the neighbourhood league.

You insisted on waiting for their practice to end so that you could walk home with your boyfriend, Taiga. But it seems that it'll take a while.


You clutched your grumbling stomach and sighed. "I haven't had lunch. Maaaan, I'm hungry."

"Would you like some, Y/N-chan?" You were startled by the sudden presence of someone beside you, waving an onigiri on your face.

"For goodness sake, Tetsuya, stop scaring my soul out of my body. And yes, I would love to have some." You said smiling as you happily take one from his lunchbox.

"That was good~" you sang right after you swallowed the last bite of food you had.

You looked at Tetsuya just to find out he's already staring at you.

You were thoroughly confused as to why he is leaning forward, to you.

He raised his hand to your face, you can't help but blush.

"Eh!?" You said as he cupped your cheek and wiped it with his bare thumb.

"You have rice stuck on your cheek, see?" He plainly said as he raised his finger, a single bit of rice on it.

"Oh... I see." You said, still blushing madly.

Little did you know that he saw it all. And he's not that happy about it.

Taiga marched to the bench you were sitting on and hauled you on his shoulder like a sack of rice.

"Hey! Put me down, baka! Ewww, you're so sweaty."

"Coach, I'm going home early today. I'm not feeling good." He said, ignoring your protests.

He walked you out of the gym and to the garden where he put you down.

"What is wrong with you!?"

He crossed his arms above his chest and huffed, "I'm not the one who's flirting with someone just moments ago."

You narrowed your eyes and smiled slyly.

"Ohhh~ Is my boyfriend getting jelly over Tetsuya?"

He quickly looked at you, blushing, "Am not!"

"Oh of course you're not~ Tetsu---" you were cut mid sentence when Taiga cupped your cheeks and kissed you softly.

"That's for teasing me. And this," He said then kissed you again, this time more passionately

"It's for making me jealous" he smiled.

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