Akashi x Reader

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"Hey Aka-chi, wanna go grab some ice cream later?" You bubbly said, skipping happily to his side.

He looks at you, in a not-so-friendly way.
"No. And stop calling me 'Aka-chi', it's annoying." He deadpanned. You were taken aback by his statement, causing your bubbly mood to slowly deteriorate.

The day just started and you already felt like giving up on your plan as you watch him disappear around a corner.

You hung your head as you walked sluggishly to the washroom. He wasn't like this back then. Back when Ai was still alive.

Looking at your self in the mirror, you noticed the tears that were about to slip. You looked up to prevent yourself from crying and sighed.

"I don't know what to do anymore... Damn you, Seijuuro." You half shouted, "Can't you see that I'm doing my best to make you happy?" You pulled your own hair because of frustration.

Your mini monologue didn't last long when the bell rang and you hurried to your first class.

Sitting down on your chair beside a window, you tried your best to pay attention to the teacher but you couldn't possibly keep your mind off of Seijuuro.

It's been a year since your bestfriend, Ai, died. Back when you were kids, the two of you and were unseparable. That's before you met Akashi. He was your seatmate back in 6th grade. He was kind, cheerful, caring and very passionate, it didn't take long before you fell for him. But Ai caught his attention when you introduced them to each other.

The three of you went out freqeuntly but you almost felt like you were a third-wheeler.

It hurts you seeing them together, walking hand in hand while you walk far behind them, seeing them act so sweet when you were eating lunch. It hurt you so much. But then Ai was caught in an accident.

It was raining then, the water hitting her umbrella hard. She was going to cross the road when a guy in a bicycle almost ran her over but she managed to get out of his way, not seeing the coming truck in the other side.

It was a fatal blow, she was dead on arival.

You were sad, of course but relieved nonetheless since you thought you had no competition over Akashi anymore.

But you were wrong...

To be continued...

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