Chapter 05

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-Chapter 05-

Anne's P. O. V: Part 2

After my talk with Jeremy we walked out of the restroom area to find Luke and the waitress talking.
I walked over to where they  were and held onto Luke's arm "Hi, Jeremy said you wanted us to leave."I said to Luke and smirked😏 at the waitress and for the first time since I saw her when I came in, I realize she has on a name tag which reads; Sarah.

"Yeah, are you ready? "he says while looking at me with a suspicious look.

"yes, let's go. "I say and smile at him.

"Yo,  Luke let's get going we have a lot of things to do. " boomed Jesse from where he was standing.

"I'll be right there, " he replies and turns to me and says;"Anne,  why don't you go and wait for me with Jeremy, I'll be right there, I have to pay for our stuff. "he says.
I turn to the waitress, "Thanks for your services." I say to and send her a wink before leaving.

When I left to stand next to Jeremy outside,  he was talking to Jesse in whispers as I approached they stopped talking.

"Where's Luke? " questioned Jesse.

"I'm right here, "said Luke from behind me.

"Get Anne home and come to the place in an hour."said Alec from his bike.... I didn't even know he was out here as soon as he was done talking he was texting on his phone.. No wonder I didn't notice him before... "and hurry"... He turned to glare at me and I got into the car without any argument.

I could see Alec and Luke arguing....
After a while Luke waves at them and huffs before walking to the driver's side of the car.

"Sorry about that, i have to meet them after i drop you at home."he says with a worried look."

"Its okay, i think we should get going or Alec would  get mad."

He drove us  to my place in silence, it was a bit awkward in the beginning but we began to talk about all sorts of things and he apologized for bring a dick at the diner and flirting with Sarah-you have got to agree with me that you can't  get angry at your crush for being a hormonal teenager- I forgave him and we moved on.

Luke just packed his car on the sidewalk infront of my house and came to open the door for me like a gentleman and walked to my door.

"Well,i'm sorry about tonight but I'll make it up to you."he said with his signature smirk on his face.

"Sure,i'd love that."
Luke looks at me with a weird look on his face.

This is totally weird but i can feel someone watching us from my house,since my parents are not around it has to be Albert or Alex(my lil sis) if it Albert he is going to mad if Luke kisses me.

Luke in leaning in,i don't even want to kiss him after what he did...he's getting closer....~just turn to the side~ and i did exactly that as Luke's lips touched my cheek.

He steps back with a bewildered look on his face😓,i bite my lip to stifle my laugh,"Well I'll see you tomorrow." i say with a smile.

"Yeah,I'll see you tomorrow,Goodnight Anne." he says before hugging me and walking back to his car.

I wave him and walk into my house to meet a glaring and fuming Albert.

🔈"Why,didn't you go to Renee's house like you promised?," he asked looking pretty pissed off.

"Luke asked me out.."

🔉"You coukd have said no"

"He wasnt going to take no as an answer...."

🔊"That's enough, go to your  room!" he boomed at me making me shake.😡

Albert is angry right now and when he is angry I'd rather not cross his path.....being scared he will get cross even more,i just move to my room .

Once I'm in my room i just drop my bag and put my phone on the table and fall face first and allow the tears to take over .

Its 11pm and I'm awake...

"Fuck,fuck..." i hear a muffled voice in my dark room.

Okay this person might be a robber so lemme warn the others to escape, so i hold my breath and scream at the top of my lungs "Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhh" at the same time the light comes on and i see Albert holding his hears, "Anne, what the fuck!
Stop screaming you'll wake up the whole neighborhood." he says.

"O!,sorry i thought you were a robber."i say while stifling my laugh.

" i came here to say sorry for getting mad and yelling at you..its just that i was worried that one if dads enemies kidnapped you and......i almost called mom and dad......"he says looking out the window.

"Please don't tell me you actually dialed, their numbers?"

"Well i did but Stacey answered mom's office and Fred answered for dad and since they couldn't answer themselves i didn't leave a message."

"Well that's a relief and I'm sorry too for making you worried i should have called, I'm sorry."

"its alright but please don't do that again."


"Okay," Albert says while getting into the bed..."we should get some sleep."

"Sure, I'm kind of tired."



"Goodnight, Anne"

"Night Al" i say to him and smile.

Knowing Albert is not angry with me, i hug him knowing I'll always have him watching over me.

Have you ever felt that a friend of yours is trying to act like your parents, well they are not your parents but they are you friends and they are  worried that  you might hurt yourself, well this us different Albert is my older brother,-my twin who is five minutes older than me- one of my best friends and my keeper.

With Albert around I'll  always be safe.

#########################i  ✅i hope you like this chapter as much as i do.
I know what it feels like to have a sibling or friend being over protective but its a good thing. So i suggest if you are going through the same predicament, you suck it up.

✅ Well this chapter is dedicated to AnonymousChicka for being very encouraging and a good friend.  Love ya😘

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