Chapter One

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Surprise! :)


"So..." Liam begins hesitantly. "You were just... walking?"

I nod weakly, keeping my gaze down. He's been trying to make me tell him more ever since we started walking. I'm remaining quiet, though.

"Yeah. At midnight, in a forest at the edge of town...?" He tries once again, but there's no way I'm going to tell him the exact reasons behind why I'm here in this crappy situation. Heck, I don't even know a thing about him either!

I slow my pace down a bit, and look up for the first time in a while. Our gazes meet, and I try not to get distracted by his captivating eyes. Surprisingly, I succeed more or less. "Liam, no offence, but I don't even know you. Some things are just personal, okay?" I sigh softly and raise an eyebrow at him. "Besides, you haven't told me why you are here either. You have no right to speak whatsoever."

He turns his gaze down and nods weakly. Seems like it's a sensitive subject for him as well, as I could've guessed. I look away and pick up my walking pace again. Neither of us speaks up for a little while, so we continue our walk in silence. It's not that bad - nothing awkward - but my thoughts just keep drifting off to today's stupid events and to how my life got flipped upside down in just one day.

After a while, it seems like we've reached the edge of the forest - there are less and less trees besides the path, and a bigger road leading to town appears in front of us - and suddenly, I notice him turning his head towards me again from the corner of my eyes. "So, where do you want me to take you now? Where are you planning to go anyway?"

I frown. "I.. Eh.. I don't really know." Honestly, I haven't got a clue of what to do now. "Just take me back to town. I'll figure something out once I'm there. I'll be fine."

He chuckles, and even though I can't properly see it, I'm pretty sure he just rolled his eyes at me. The bastard. "Right. Of course you'll be fine." He says mockingly, on a tone that makes me huff in annoyance. "Seriously Niall, try something more convincing."

I turn my head away, extremely annoyed by his attitude. Why does he care anyway? We've only just met! Who does he think he is, he almost sounds like my father sometimes!

He notices my expression and sighs softly. "Look, I understand if you don't want to tell me personal stuff and all that, but that doesn't mean that I'm just dropping you somewhere in the middle of the night all alone. I'm smart enough to notice that you don't know where to go yourself, Niall."

I look up at him in surprise, before the usual frown returns on my face again. "Liam, why do you even care about all of this? You don't know me. It would honestly be easier for you to just let me be."

He just shrugs in respond. "Why wouldn't I care? We both know pretty well that you'd still be lost in the forest right now without me. I'm sorry for saying this - but get your shit together, mate!"

I'm about to snap something back at him, when I realise he's right. Of course he is. But still I don't completely get it... "Alright, alright. You're right, I'm sorry. But what are you planning to do then? Stay here with me while I search for a place to stay?" I chuckle at my own remark.

He smiles softly, before shaking his head. It's actually quite fascinating how his whole expression can change in just a matter of seconds. "No. I was actually planning to invite you over to my place for the night."

Wait... what?

I freeze, trying to let the words sink in. He barely knows me, but yet he's inviting me over for the night? "Liam, are you serious?"

He chuckles, while smiling smugly. "Yeah, but if you'd rather have me roaming the deserted streets with you..."

I roll my eyes at him, before locking our gazes again. I can't help but smile at him, though. "And you're not planning on killing me in my sleep?"

He grins teasingly. "Well, actually--"

"Of course, mate! Now, just bring me to that house of yours already, I'm bloody freezing!" I say in an amused tone.

Oh well, maybe I'm starting to like Liam after all. At least he's not that bad, and he's actually helping me unbelievably much.

He nods happily and starts walking again. I quickly follow his example, and unconsciously seem to forget about all the actual shit that's been going on today for a while...

Maybe it's because of the small bit of luck I still seem to have, but somehow I think it's because of Liam's presence. He still has that effect on me, which is actually pretty weird... But right now, all that matters is that I've found a place to stay the night and maybe, with a little luck, I've even found myself a new friend after all.


(Not edited yet, sorry for all the mistakes!)

Tada, chapter one! :)

Extremely short, I know, but I'll just try to update more frequently which will have the result of shorter chapters. Sorry if that bothers you. This chapter had to be this short anyway, because it's a massive filler (just like the next few chapters will be). That's necessary, it all needs to gradually work towards some main events after all.

Leave me some feedback anyway, and don't forget to vote and comment! :D

Oh, and send me prompts and requests for one shots, because I´m writing a collection of one shots at the moment. I really, really need more prompts and requests, guys! Serously, there's no idea too crazy for me. The link to my 1D One Shot collection is the external link. ;)

The picture at the side... it's just too cute... no words can describe...! =O

It's finally summer, my favourite season! Hopefully the sun will come out soon, because right now the weather still sucks. :(

Thanks for reading!


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