Chapter 1: Framed

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The Serpent and the Maiden Fair Chapter 1

Thirteen years ago, West Nubar* Castle

The screams and grunts of the Queen were heard all over the castle. She was now on the process of giving birth yet she decided to stay in the von Heinrich's castle instead of the Royal Palace. They were in the middle of war (she and her husband went into hiding as they were being hunted by his son's followers) and her son Phobos successfully usurped the throne and as what her visions of the future have predicted, she will die tonight, after childbirth with her husband and the von Heinrich household. Their only hope right now is the baby that she is carrying; the rightful heir to the Meridian throne. After another painful scream she sighed as she heard the loud cries of her new born baby. Too bad she won't be able to raise her yet how can she? After a few moments she'll die. She inhaled deeply, pain was all over her body and her lower half was covered with blood.

"Your majesty, it's a girl." The physician said while offering the baby to her. She glanced at the beautiful baby she just gave birth to, she was tempted to take her and cradle her in her arms but she pushed it away instead.

"Take her away." She said and turned her head away. Her friend Lady Agatha von Heinrich looked at her confused, as well as the physician and her handmaidens who were with her. "Take her. I- I can't bear to look at her after all of this." She cried. It was hard and painful and it crushed her heart as she can't bear to look at her daughter; her beloved daughter, her only hope and the future light of Meridian.

"But your highness..." Agatha said. Weira shook her head, her eyes filled with tears, she can't do it, she can't say goodbye to her daughter. Without any more questions, Lady Agatha went outside with her baby with the physicians and handmaidens, she was tempted to stop them and take the baby to hug and kiss her. She then turned to the other two people with her in the room; the captain of the guards. They bowed towards her before moving closer to the bed she is in.

"A-alborn, M-Miriadel. I give you the responsibility of protecting my daughter. B-bring her to a place where Phobos can't reach her." She reached the magical seal from her pocket and put it on the hands of Miriadel, who was also sobbing while kneeling in front of her. "Treat her as your child, and when the time comes, tell her the truth. She must save Meridian from her brother." She said in between pants. The two nodded and was about to go out when she grabbed Miriadel's arm.

"Take Avery with you. Take this to wipe her memory. She mustn't stay here; I don't want her to suffer at my son's hands. She must find a man worthy of her love." She said and gave them another vial that contains the Leryn solution, a potion used by their ancestor to wipe memories; it was for her goddaughter Avery, the girl who was promised to his son. With another nod, Miriadel and Alborn were gone and she was left sobbing and she blamed herself for the downfall of Meridian.

It was her fault that the kingdom was lost, she was the light of the country, the heart, the most powerful being yet she was not able to protect it.

She then heard a loud noise outside and the door sprang open, revealing her son Phobos, he was still eighteen years old yet he now looks like in his late twenties, it was because he discovered that he had the ability to drain the life force of others and convert it to power, after he usurped the throne, he started draining the life force of the nearby town thus he was able to make himself age a bit. If it wasn't for his long straw hair and familiar emerald eyes, she would think that it was a different person standing in front of her and not her firstborn.

"S-son." She said as soon as she saw him. She managed to crook a small smile at him.

"Queen Mother." He replied, his expression was dark. He was looking at her, the kindness on his eyes were now gone and were replaced with hatred and disgust. "Where is my sister!?" He demanded as he stepped closer towards the bed.

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