What Happened Next

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Drama class couldn't go any slower. I kept looking at the clock, hoping that at least 10 minutes had passed. I couldn't pay attention, there was too much going on in my mind.
My stomach was turning, I was so nervous. I pulled out my notebook and started writing. I wrote song lyrics down, since nothing else was in my head at the moment. Except Phil. I don't know why I'm having all these different feelings about him! I just barely met him this morning, i-if were gonna be in a relationship later on, I want to make sure we didn't go to fast. Also, I'm starting to think that I'm gay.. I mean, I've dated girls, and I sort of liked it. And I've been attracted to guys, but never this attracted. I always figured I just wanted their body to be mine, I wanted muscles, a six pack, etc.
Maybe I'm bi?
The bell shocked my ears as it rang. I quickly got up and put my notebook back in my backpack. One more period until lunch, but Phil had 2nd with me. I wanted to find him so I could sit with him.
I got to the classroom at the same time as him.

"Hey, Dan." He smiled

"Hi, Phil. Um I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? After school?" I crossed my fingers.

"Yeah, that'd be fun!" He was grinning. My mind was screaming at me look how adorable he is. You could kiss him right now. You could just reach up and-  "You know, for someone I just met," he interrupted, "I'm pretty attracted to you..."

"Oh really?" I smiled, "I guess I'm pretty attracted to you too."

"Did I mention? I'm gay." His smile left his face

"No, but I figured because you kept hitting on me." I nervously chuckled

"So I guess I was giving it away then, " he scratched the back of his head

"Yeah, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to."

"Thanks. I really appreciate it." He hugged me, it took me a second to realize what was happening, but then I hugged him back.

I still wasn't ready to say if I was gay or bi. But I knew I was one of them...

The bell rang and Phil and I went and sat down. It was history class, and the teacher made it really boring. I ripped a corner of notebook paper out and wrote I think I really like you on it and folded it up.
I slid it over to Phil's desk. My heart was pounding and there was a lump in my throat.
I saw him open it. A huge grin came across his face. He turned it over and wrote something on the back. He slid it back to me.
I really like you too. I hope you don't mind me asking... What's your sexuality?

My heart stopped and the room seemed to be going in slomotion.

I haven't figured it out yet, gay, bi, or pan.

I sent it back to him, my heart pounding out of my chest.
I watched him open it and as he read it, a smile came across his face.

Maybe I can help you figure it out...
Was the reply. What does that mean? I thought.

What do you mean?
The piece of paper was beginning to get crowded.

Was all he sent back. I guess I'd have to use my imagination. I sighed, crumpling up the paper and focusing on the class.

The bell rang and I grabbed my stuff and went over to Phil.

"So, where do you usually eat lunch?" He asked

"Um, I don't. I don't have anyone to sit with, and food doesn't really appeal to me. So I don't eat lunch usually." I scratched the back of my arm.

"Oh." He looked concerned, "don't you get hungry?"

"Nope. I'm used to it by now." We had walked all the way to the cafeteria, and found a table to sit at.

"Hmmm" he put his palm under his chin. "That explains why you're so skinny!"
We both laughed.
We continued talking for the rest of lunch, mostly about how he figured out he was gay. I ended up crying at his story, he was abused by his dad, his 1st boyfriend humiliated him because he was gay, and he had severe depression. We hugged for a while, and neither of us said a thing.

It was 5th period and I was ready to leave. Time literally could not go any slower. I was really excited to hang out with him, maybe as just a friend for now.
We met up after school, out front.

"I don't have a car, so we have to walk home. Er-I mean, to my house." I told Phil

"That's okay, I have a car." We walked over to a black Sudan.

"Nice choice of color." I chucked
We got in his car and he started the engine. As we drove, I gave him directions to my house. I lived in a fairly fancy neighborhood, my parents were rich and always on business trips. So Phil and I would be home alone.

When we got to my house, we sat in the driveway for a minute. Neither of us said anything though.

"Should we, uh, go inside?" I said after a couple minutes of silence.

"Yeah!" We got out of the car and went inside. I led him up to my room. He walked in and was in awe, he looked around for a second," I love muse! But not this much! That's a lot of posters, Dan."

"Yeah? I have at least 2 more posters in my closet, they wouldn't fit with all the rest. Want them?"

"Yes!" He yelled. I grabbed them out and handed them to him, they weren't even rolled out of the package,"Thanks."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I blushed, hard.

"Hey, Phil?" I leaned against my wall, "how many boyfriends have you had?"
He laughed

"Let's start with an easier question..." He smirked, "Are you still a virgin?"

"Uh, um, yeah.." I chuckled nervously.

"Do you want to change that?" His voice got noticeably deeper. It was sexy

I couldn't reply to that. I was speechless. But I didn't get a chance to say anything, Phil's lips were pressed against mine. He was kissing me!

His eyes were closed, but I was too shocked to close mine. I didn't know why but I was kissing back. The loss of air was killing us both, so he pulled away

"Phil...." I took a deep breath, "That was..."

"Amazing." He bit his lip, "you're such a great kisser. Wanna try again?"

I thought for a second.

"Yes, oh God yes."

There's gonna be some smut in the next chapter... Enjoy! I'm not v good at writing smut tho...
Happy Holidays!

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