It can't be true

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Harry's POV

It had been 2 weeks since the accident.

2 weeks.

It's all over the news, that Louis is in a coma. Maybe he'll never wake up.

My dear Lou bear.

We all went well after the car crash, or yea we got a bit hurt but Louis got hurt worst.

I was zoomed out the whole time after I saw Louis blacked out and all the blood.. I just couldn't handle it...

I've been everyday in Louis hospital room, trying to wake him up by singing songs and talking to him.

But he still wouldn't wake up.

And it hurt me that I wasn't the only one that was here.

Louis girlfriend, you know, Eleanor.

I really don't like her. And I just hope that Louis one day will realize that me and him are meant for each other.

But come on! She's been at the hospital just a few times! Does she even love him?! What a great girlfriend.

" Harry I think you should go home, when was the last time you showered? " I heard Liam said

" I can't leave my Lou " I mumbled back quiet

" I know you can't, and I know he's your best mate, but you know I think it would be really good if you got home for a while, and then you can come here again, aye? " he said

I just nodded and kissed Louis head and then followed Liam to his car.

Liam was the only one I had tell about my feelings for Louis. And I know I can trust him to 100%.

But the thing is, Louis doesn't even know about my feelings. And maybe I can't tell him about them either.

Oh how I wish I could told him.

" Harry? " I heard Liam said

"Oh what? " I answers back unkindly

" we're here.. " he said quietly

"Oh.. Okay " I said

"Call me when you're done, yeah? He said

I just nodded and jump out of the car.

When I walked in to my and Lou's flat I couldn't take it. I burst into tears.

I showered fast, put on one of Louis t shirts and a pair of black jeans. Then I called Liam, and he picked me up.

When we came to the hospital there were a lot of paps,

" how's Louis? "

" will he wake up!? "

" Harry, Liam, look here! "

When we got in to the hospital, to the corridor where Louis is, there was no one there.

" where is everyone? Liam asked "

When we came in to Louis room everyone was around his bed.


Everyone turned around to me and Liam, but they didn't look happy at all.


" Harry! " I heard Louis beautiful voice said

' Louis POV '

When I woke up all I saw what a white room.

" Where am I? " I mumbled

I tried to sit up, but I couldn't move my legs.

" What the fuck?! " I screamed.

That's when I saw Zayn and Niall came in, why did they have red eyes? Have they been crying? I thought

" Louis! You're awake! " they said

"Yes..? And why can't I sit up? " I asked them

" what? " Zayn said raising his eyebrows

" HEY! LOUIS' AWAKE! " Niall screamed out the door

I tried to pinch myself but I couldn't feel anything. What the actual fuck? Is this a joke?

I'll guess it will go away soon.

My thoughts was disturbed by Eleanor hugging me and I looked around, everyone was here but not Harry.

Where was he?

" hi Louis, how do you feel? " a doctor asked me

" I feel like shit, I can't feel my legs and I'm just wondering, what happened and why am I here? " I asked

Everyone just went silent and stared at me.

" you can't.. Feel your.. Legs? " the doctor said

"Exactly, why? What is happening with me? " I asked while the tears were streaming down my face

" Louis.. " the doctor started but everyone turned around, staring at someone in the door.

That's when I saw my Haz.

" Harry! " I said with a smile

He was the only one that could make me smile like a moment like this.

But he didn't seem happy. He was crying. Was it because of me? I didn't even remember why I actually was here..

" Louis you have become paralyzed " the doctor said with a low voice.


Hellaa ofc I will update this one too.

Writing this was really hard, imagine if this would happened irl. Or no, don't so that, it will just make you cry.

Anyway, thank you for all your comments (: they make me happy (:


Oh wait

Don't forget to vote/comment

🌸 bye bAi xx

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