~Time Skip After School~
I can't wait to go home with my dad. He is the best. Sky called for me. "Hey Ty!" I turned around to be face to face with Sky. I think I feel my face heating up. "Hey Ty. Wanna come over and play?" "Um....Sure."
~Time Skip ;3~
Woah! Sky's place is HUGE! "Come on. Let me show you to my game room." He showed me to his game room and we played for hours it seemed until it got dark. "Hey Sky I gotta go home. My dad will be wondering where I am." I was about to leave until Sky grabbed my wrist and turned me around. "Here Ty. I made them." Sky handed me black headphones with my favorite color neon green in the center of it. "Thx Sky." Sky isn't just my best friend now, he is my crush.
Hey I know it is a really short chapter and 1 POV so plz don't sue me and I will see you soon my Wolf Warriors.


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