Before Ty left I made him some headphones. They were black and in the center of them were neon green.
But something about Ty gives me the butterflies in my stomach. I think I like him. I can't tell him. I guess I have to wait until....later.
~Time Skip~
(Still Sky's POV)
It's been 7 years and I STILL haven't told Ty! Yeah I know that I am being a big baby and to make it even worse I am an 18 year old. By now I should of told him but one of my fear is being rejected. You know what, I am going to tell Ty on his Birthday. His Birthday is only 1 week away and he is going to turn 17. I was about to leave for the store to buy Ty a gift until a skype call from Mitch started beeping. I answer it and see a worried Mitch. "Mitch? You ok?" "Adam I want to tell Jerome how I feel but I'm scared to be rejected. What do I do?!" "Ok Mitch, just do what I'm doing and tell Jerome on a special day. just like I'm gonna tell Ty on his Birthday." "Your right, thanks Adam. See you next week!" "Bye Mitch!" I ended the skype call and went to Wal*Mart to buy Ty a Birthday gift.

~Time Skip 1 day before Ty's b-day~

Tomorrow is Ty's Birthday and I am a total wreck. I'll just sleep on it.

~next day~

Today is my birthday and no one ever comes over to celebrate so I just don't celebrate it any more. I was about to take a nap until I heard someone knocking at the door. I groan and open the door and to my surprise it was Team Crafted! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TY!!!" They screamed together. "What are you guys doing here?!" I ask surprised but in a happy way. "Well it's your birthday and I think we should celebrate it." Answered Adam. God damn that beautiful voice he has. I was apparently snapped out of it when Mitch was like waving his hand in my face saying 'Earth to Ty!' I realized that I've been staring at Adam the whole time. I of course blushed and let them in.

~Time Skip until after CAKE!~

Its time to tell Ty how I feel about him. Oh god I'm so nervous. Here goes nothing. "Ty..." I say as I stand up and drag Ty to the living room. "Ty, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while but... Ty, I Love You." He just stands there shocked. Oh no. I think he is rejecting me. I started to tear up and Ty noticed and wiped my tear away with his thumb. I look at him and he has the look 'Sky, I need to tell you something to' look. Oh boy.

Sky just dragged me into the living room and tells me something. "Ty, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while but... Ty,I Love You." I just stand there shocked. He actually loves me! I noticed he is starting to tear up. I wipe his tear away with my thumb and then he looks at me. I simply just give him the 'Sky, I need to tell you something to look.'
So that is the end of the chapter but I will be writing the book until I think it should end. So see you soon my Wolf Warriors!


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