Rise, Adrenaline, Rise

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I have this guilty feeling swirling around right now. I wrote the word "synagogue" and meant to put "mausoleum" ...oops....I edited it in, though.


Enjoy :D


"Aw, is little miss bitch afraid of water?" Said she, stepping out of the shadows. She withdrew a short black nightstick from her utility belt. She was really going to kill me now.

I could barely hear her though she stood just before me. The water and wind roared like wolves' cries in the dark night. I was without means to commune my power over her. It was the worst feeling to do this, but I turned and ran for it.

The mausoleum was in the distance.

I pounded against the slippery wet grass and ducked under flying trees to get there. She wasn't far behind. My hand yanked open the door just as I felt the first maddeningly hard blow of the nightstick on my back. . .


Brian breathed in the first victorious breath of hope that flew into the dark casket upon finding it torn open. Alice was here. He could hear her panting and racing to open the thing and free him.

Such a good girl. Such a smart girl. Such a . . .


Fuck. Was that what he thought it was?! Shit. It was. Alice screamed only once before it went quiet.

All he could do is listen and plead that she wasn't dead. His hero of all heroes would be slain.

(Romeo. .)

The door was barely opened, a rock from the ground fell into the wedged opening and held it open. Air continued to fluctuate in, and Brian could feel, with the faintest certainty, his strength returning. He dared to try and close his hand. It still lay numb against the other across his chest. Fuck. The drug!

It was a mad race to move and wear it off. He could do it. But it had to be now . . . Alice needed his help!

Concentrating, he could feel everything in his body. He could hear blood begining to roar inside, but everything still felt asleep.

It's time to wake up. It's time to rise and shine.

Slowly, surely, hot blood returned to his limbs and fingers. He curled one renewed hand around the other, feeling the pulse in his wrist rising. He would live again.


I tumbled into the stone enclosure and slammed the equally solid door closed. My back ached with the blow from her previous assault. I limped horribly to the middle of the room before collapsing.

A light fixture illuminated the walls. It was closed on three sides and the door was shut on the last wall. I was trapped. Looking around, I could see I wasn't the only one in here. There were little rectangles with names and dates on them. One for every square foot of wall.

"Trapped.." I panted. "Fuck. We're all trapped."

Sitting up, I assessed myself in order to put the scary things behind me and calm down. The storm was deafeningly loud and deadly outside, and a crazy lady (who seemed to be jelous of me and Brian) was pounding against the door with a lethal weapon. Those things, I'd face in a moment.

Blood from a circular hole in my left bicep leaked onto the floor. I peered inside out of stupid curiosity and saw a little bullet.

I took the crowbar and placed it between my teeth, egging myself to bite it.

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